
Main characteristics of postmodernity

Las characteristics of postmodernity they can be very varied. Depending on the point of view from which you approach it.

like its features, its concept is also very broad; given that, seeks to encompass the transformations, culture, the art or philosophy of life of a modern society.

Postmodernism emerged from the 20th century as a way of understanding all the evolutions that are going through in the current era.; referring to both the climate and the sociocultural.

Características de la posmodernidad en términos philosophy that defines

It is believed that the characteristics of postmodernity are associated with individualism, the lack of rationalism and common welfare. However, this term also includes what is the political and economic organization of society; the intellectual and all those artistic subjects.

This is why postmodernism is referred to as a term that encompasses many other phenomena., that are part of society and that alter it in different ways.

What do you mean by postmodernity??

The word postmodernity refers to a break between an era prior to the current.

Where there was also a modernity; but which has been modified by important elements and has become transformed into something much more cultural.

Where people have changed their expressions and thoughts. Perhaps this is the reason why the modern philosophy is associated a lot with apathy and disenchantment.

The exact moment when postmodernity began is not exactly known.; in fact, many authors affirm that it is not a different period, but of a modernization or an amplification of what had been modernity.

Although there was no limit between one moment and another, if there are any events that were notable for these changes to be generated.


Main features of postmodernism

Some main features of postmodernism son:

1. The globalization

Globalization is a term that refers to the expansion of societies, capitalism and all those economic organizations. While, postmodernism only counts as a difference of culture and intellectuality.

They are two very different concepts but they are related to each other in many aspects.. One of the great impulses that gave rise to postmodernism was globalization.; especially all the changes generated by the large industrial companies.

These societies also became post-industrial., focusing on new technologies and how they were received by society. It is no longer focused so much on the industry as such

2. technologies

In a more modern age, institutions sought for each person to find their identity and form part of a social group..

The postmodern philosophy, replaced these institutions and gave way to technologies, where people seek are part of the individuality, driven by social media.

This has caused people to lack reality or only get carried away by that infused by such means..


3. Diversity

This is perhaps one of the characteristics of postmodernity that most distinguish what postmodernism is; allows each individual to create their own identity of what is order and what is correct.

To some extent this has weakened what was rational up to the moment., losing the basic pillars of values, traditions and customs.

This diversity has given way to two different effects; on the one hand, new community and subjective processes are built where individuality reigns and fleeting and unstable lifestyles are created.

and on the other hand, it is possible to see cultural diversities, where each person is free to express themselves and create their own identity without feeling inhibited by a racist society, prejudiced and discriminatory.

We can conclude that the characteristics of postmodernity show us that postmodernism as well as has many disadvantages, it can also help people to be more confident and free, to be who they really are.

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