Wiki de Filosofía

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

William of Ockham (Occam, c. 1280—c. 1349)

William of Ockham (Occam, c. 1280—c. 1349) William of Ockham, also known as William Ockham and William of Occam, was a fourteenth-century English philosopher. Historically, Ockham has been cast as the outstanding opponent of Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274): Aquinas perfected the great “medieval synthesis” of faith and reason and was canonized by the Catholic Church; Ockham destroyed the synthesis and was condemned by the Catholic Church.

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906—1945)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906—1945) For Bonhoeffer, the foundation of ethical behaviour lay in how the reality of the world and the reality of God were reconciled in the reality of Christ. Both in his thinking and in his life, ethics were centered on the demand for action by responsible men and women in the face of evil. He was sharply critical of ethical theory and of

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna


Fallibilism Fallibilism is the epistemological thesis that no belief (theory, view, thesis, and so on) can ever be rationally supported or justified in a conclusive way. Always, there remains a possible doubt as to the truth of the belief. Fallibilism applies that assessment even to science’s best-entrenched claims and to people’s best-loved commonsense views. Some epistemologists have taken fallibilism to imply skepticism, according to which

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Modern Chinese Philosophy

Modern Chinese Philosophy The term “modern Chinese philosophy” is used here to denote various Chinese philosophical trends in the short period between the implementation of the constitutional “new policy” (1901) and the abolition of the traditional examination system (1905) in the late Qing (Ch’ing) dynasty and the rise and fall of the Republic of China in mainland China (1911-1949). As an ancient cultural entity, China

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (fl. 500 C.E.)

Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (fl. 500 C.E.) Dionysius is the author of three long treatises (The Divine Names, The Celestial Hierarchy, and The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy) one short treatise (The Mystical Theology) and ten letters expounding various aspects of Christian Philosophy from a mystical and Neoplatonic perspective. Presenting himself as Dionysius the Areopagite, the disciple of Paul mentioned in Acts 17:34, his writings had the status of

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Maimonides (1138—1204)

Maimonides (1138—1204) Maimonides is a medieval Jewish philosopher with considerable influence on Jewish thought, and on philosophy in general. Maimonides also was an important codifier of Jewish law. His views and writings hold a prominent place in Jewish intellectual history. His works swiftly caused considerable controversy, especially concerning the relations between reason and revelation. Indeed, scholarly debates continue on Maimonides’ commitments to philosophy and to

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Una Comunidad de Filósofos

Por último, pero no menos importante, nuestra wiki de filosofía cuenta con una comunidad activa de filósofos, estudiantes de filosofía y entusiastas de la materia, que comparten sus conocimientos, ideas y perspectivas en un entorno de discusión enriquecedora. Únete a la conversación y enriquece tu comprensión de la filosofía. Participa en debates en línea, haz preguntas a los expertos y comparte tus propias ideas y perspectivas. ¡En nuestra comunidad, la filosofía cobra vida!