Wiki de Filosofía

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Political Philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre

Political Philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre This article focuses on Alasdair MacIntyre’s contribution to political philosophy since 1981, although MacIntyre has also written influential works on theology, Marxism, rationality, metaphysics, ethics, and the history of philosophy. He has made a personal intellectual journey from Marxism to Catholicism and from Aristotle to Aquinas, and he is one of the preeminent Thomist political philosophers. The most consistent and

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Language in Classical Chinese Philosophy

Language in Classical Chinese Philosophy At first glance, early Chinese thought as expressed in Warring States period (475-221 BCE) texts does not seem to focus on the kinds of questions about language that one might expect from philosophers working on “the philosophy of language.” This does not mean, however, that language is philosophically insignificant to early Chinese thinkers. But it does show that discussions of

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Anaximander (c. 610—546 B.C.E.)

Anaximander (c. 610—546 B.C.E.) Anaximander was the author of the first surviving lines of Western philosophy. He speculated and argued about “the Boundless” as the origin of all that is. He also worked on the fields of what we now call geography and biology. Moreover, Anaximander was the first speculative astronomer. He originated the world-picture of the open universe, which replaced the closed universe of

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Hegel: Social and Political Thought

Hegel: Social and Political Thought Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) is one of the greatest systematic thinkers in the history of Western philosophy. In addition to epitomizing German idealist philosophy, Hegel boldly claimed that his own system of philosophy represented an historical culmination of all previous philosophical thought. Hegel’s overall encyclopedic system is divided into the science of Logic, the philosophy of Nature, and the philosophy

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Berlin Circle

Berlin Circle The Berlin Circle was a group of philosophers and scientists who gathered round Hans Reichenbach in late 1920s. Among its other members, were K. Grelling, C. G. Hempel, D. Hilbert, R. von Mises. The Berlin Circle’s name was Die Gesellschaft für Empirische Philosophie (Society for Empirical Philosophy). It joined up with the Vienna Circle; together they published the journal Erkenntnis that was edited

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Leibniz: Logic

Leibniz: Logic The revolutionary ideas of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) on logic were developed by him between 1670 and 1690. The ideas can be divided into four areas: the Syllogism, the Universal Calculus, Propositional Logic, and Modal Logic. These revolutionary ideas remained hidden in the Archive of the Royal Library in Hanover until 1903 when the French mathematician Louis Couturat published the Opuscules et fragments inédits de Leibniz.

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Explorando la Historia de la Filosofía

En la wiki de filosofía de, podrás descubrir todo sobre la historia de la filosofía. Desde los grandes filósofos de la antigüedad, como Platón, Aristóteles y Sócrates, hasta los pensadores más modernos como Kant, Nietzsche y Heidegger, nuestra wiki te llevará en un viaje a través del pensamiento humano. Nuestra wiki presenta artículos y ensayos sobre una amplia gama de temas de la filosofía, que incluyen la epistemología, la metafísica, la ética, la filosofía política y más. Además, también encontrarás ensayos sobre las corrientes de pensamiento filosófico, desde el existencialismo y el racionalismo, hasta el posmodernismo y el realismo.

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Una Comunidad de Filósofos

Por último, pero no menos importante, nuestra wiki de filosofía cuenta con una comunidad activa de filósofos, estudiantes de filosofía y entusiastas de la materia, que comparten sus conocimientos, ideas y perspectivas en un entorno de discusión enriquecedora. Únete a la conversación y enriquece tu comprensión de la filosofía. Participa en debates en línea, haz preguntas a los expertos y comparte tus propias ideas y perspectivas. ¡En nuestra comunidad, la filosofía cobra vida!