Superbasic Full Conlang Starterpack
Auteur: Sahn Deda
Date MS: 03-11-2022
Date FL: dix-01-2022
Numéro FL: FL-000085-00
Citation: Sahn, Deda. 2022. “Superbasic Full Conlang
Starterpack.” FL-000085-00, Fiat Lingua,
droits d'auteur: © 2022 Sahn Deda. Ce travail est sous licence
une attribution Creative Commons - Pas d'utilisation commerciale-
Aucun dérivé 3.0 Licence non transférée.
Fiat Lingua est produit et maintenu par la Language Creation Society (LCS). Pour plus d'informations
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By Sanh Deda · ·
Basically tried to create a kit for express creation of fairly good (although lexically limited) conlangs. It contains 8 pronoun categories,
9 basic conjunctions/adverbs, 13 adpositions/cases and modal verbs, and 52 other words – with derivation suggestions and hints.
je, nous [and their variations]
toi [and their variations]
ils [and their variations]
tous, chaque, chaque, Oui, universe
Non, nothing, neither
ce, ce [and their variations]
quelques, n'importe lequel, a few, whatever
what, OMS, où, quand
Think of honorifics,
vocatif, and formality
Can merge both, or use
“ce” for inanimate 3P
Do you want dual or
Spanish uses “que” pour
“what”, “ce”, et “than”
et, ainsi, donc, aussi
mais, in contrary, plutôt
ou, either … or, whether
ce [conj], qui [rel. pron.], À, than, comme
encore, toujours, unprepared
already, prêt
a lot, many, beaucoup
You can build superlative
Utilisant “more/less than all”.
There might be adjective
inflections meaning “very”,
like guapísima in Spanish
You have to choose your alignment, and which case is unmarked (si
applicable). How do morphosyntactic alignment and number interact?
for the sake of, dedicated to, instead of or BENEFACTIVE
vers, for or ALLATIVE
depuis, because of or ABLATIVE
près, par, together with or PROXIMITIVE/COMITATIVE
dans, à, on or LOCATIVE
comme, -ish [adjective derivation or SEMBLATIVE]
away from, hors, without or ABESSIVE
à travers, à travers, according to or PERLOCATIVE
circle → around or CIRCUMLATIVE
utiliser [v] → with, par (par exemple. Utilisant) or INSTRUMENTAL
How do you derive verbs from nouns? Do they have an
infinitive form (Bulgarian hasn’t)? Do your verbs express
passé, non-past, other tenses, and if the action is or will be
complet? Continuous aspect? Person and animacy? Is
evidentiality/certainty part of the conjugation, or do you
use auxiliaries or modal verbs to say “maybe”, “should be”,
“is said to be”, “could happen”? Do you differentiate
between realis and irrealis moods? How do you give orders
in your language, are there levels of politeness?
Do you have a copula (verbe “to be”)? How do you say “À
devenir” ou “to be a teacher” (Russian uses instrumental)?
peut [v], capacité, strong
volonté, vouloir [v], commande [v]
besoin [v], doit [v], devoir [v], devoir
How do you treat
modal verbs and
How do you say “grand-parent”?
Are kinship terms gendered?
How do you form mass
nouns (tree → forest,
book → library)?
human, person → man, femme, folk, personnes, tribu
enfant, progéniture
parent, care [v]
frère et sœur, cousin
nature, sauvage, normal
société, cultiver [v] → crops
tree → wood, forêt
grassland, herbe, champ
fruit → fertile, riche, abondant
complet, complet, continuer [v], fulfill [v], satisfy [v]
désert, void → dry, pauvre, scarce, empty, hungry
montagne, colline, pile
mer, ocean → salt
eau (frais) → lake, rivière
Where does your
conculture live? Quoi
items or phenomena
are significiant there?
In case you use
“excluding” et
think of participle
formation. Do
actif (et
passif) participles
indicate time? Peut
they be used
What creatures and
beings inhabit your
monde? Think of what
your conculture uses for
food and what they
have to defend
themselves from,
customize your vocab.
You can replace the
passive voice with
instead of “The car
stolen”) ou
it with an
auxiliary verb +
passive participle.
marcher [v], aller [v], courir [v], couler [v]
attaque [v], saut [v], tempête [v]
air, vent, blow [v], siffler [v]
parler [v], parler [v], word → tongue
plomb [v] → chief, route
suivre [v] → then, suivant
rencontrer [v], encounter [v] → against
inclure [v], contain [v] → with
exclure [v], single out [v] → except
case → in case that, si, comme
début, commencer, ignite [v] → since
fin, cesser [v], put off [v] → until
petit, weak → slightly
grand, strong → very (par exemple. bigly)
chaleur, chaud, feu, cozy
nice, bien, vertueux, vrai
froid, mauvais, grossier
lumière, jour, soleil, glory, montrer [v]
sombre, nuit, honte, couverture [v], forget [v]
bonheur, bliss, joy, paradis
douleur, chagrin, gloom, doom [v]
crown, prince → king
rod, stick, bar, pole
bateau, bateau, naviguer [v], seaman
cheval, donkey
chat, chien, pet
leather, laine, vêtements
linen, cotton, dress
hen, volaille, la volaille
bread, nourriture
mollusk, snail, octopus
cow, cattle, chèvre
renard, weasel
lion, loup, carnivore
oiseau (insectivore)
insecte, voler, mosquito
serpent, lézard, dragon