Wiki de Filosofía

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Human Rights

Human Rights Human rights are certain moral guarantees. This article examines the philosophical basis and content of the doctrine of human rights. The analysis consists of five sections and a conclusion. Section one assesses the contemporary significance of human rights, and it argues that the doctrine of human rights has become the dominant moral doctrine for evaluating the moral status of the contemporary geo-political order.

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Epistemology of Testimony

Epistemology of Testimony We get a great number of our beliefs from what others tell us. The epistemology of testimony concerns how we should evaluate these beliefs. Here are the main questions. When are the beliefs justified, and why? When do they amount to knowledge, and why? When someone tells us p, where p is some statement, and we accept it, then we are forming

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Plato: Organicism

Plato: Organicism Organicism is the position that the universe is orderly and alive, much like an organism. According to Plato, the Demiurge creates a living and intelligent universe because life is better than non-life and intelligent life is better than mere life. It is the perfect animal.  In contrast with the Darwinian view that the emergence of life and mind are accidents of evolution, the Timaeus

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Mental Causation

Mental Causation The term “mental causation” applies to causal transactions involving mental events or states, such as beliefs, desires, feelings, and perceptions. Typically, the term is used to refer to cases where a mental state causes a physical reaction: for instance, the mental state of perceiving a Frisbee flying your way can cause the physical event of your springing up to catch it. It should

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Free Will

Free Will Most of us are certain that we have free will, though what exactly this amounts to is much less certain. According to David Hume, the question of the nature of free will is “the most contentious question of metaphysics.” If this is correct, then figuring out what free will is will be no small task indeed. Minimally, to say that an agent has

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 B.C.E.—40 C.E.)

Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 B.C.E.—40 C.E.) Philo of Alexandria, a Hellenized Jew also called Judaeus Philo, is a figure that spans two cultures, the Greek and the Hebrew. When Hebrew mythical thought met Greek philosophical thought in the first century B.C.E. it was only natural that someone would try to develop speculative and philosophical justification for Judaism in terms of Greek philosophy. Thus Philo

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Una Comunidad de Filósofos

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