Wiki de Filosofía

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)

Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) Michel de Montaigne, the sixteenth century French essayist, is one of the most renowned literary and philosophical figures of the late Renaissance.  The one book he wrote, Les Essais de Michel de Montaigne, is not a traditional work of philosophy.  Having begun work on it around 1572, he published the first edition in 1580.  He then went on to publish four

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Ralph Cudworth (1617—1688)

Ralph Cudworth (1617—1688) Ralph Cudworth was an English philosopher and theologian, representative of a seventeenth century movement known as the Cambridge Platonists.  These were the first English philosophers to publish primarily in their native tongue, and to use Plato as a core influence.  Three of Cudworth’s works: The True Intellectual System of the Universe, A Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality, and A Treatise on

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

John Duns Scotus (1266–1308)

John Duns Scotus (1266–1308) John Duns Scotus, along with Bonaventure, Aquinas, and Ockham, is one of the four great philosophers of High Scholasticism. His work is encyclopedic in scope, yet so detailed and nuanced that he earned the epithet “Subtle Doctor,” and no less a thinker than Ockham would praise his judgment as excelling all others in its subtlety. In opposition to the prevailing thought

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Praise and Blame

Praise and Blame Joel Feinberg observed that “moral responsibility… is a subject about which we are all confused” (1970: 37). Perhaps nowhere is this confusion more evident than in our understandings of praise and blame. This entry will contrast three influential philosophical accounts of our everyday practices of praise and blame, in terms of how they might be justified. On the one hand, a broadly

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Novalis (Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg) (1772-1801)

Novalis (Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg) (1772-1801) “Novalis” was the pseudonym of Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg, an early German Romantic philosopher, poet, and novelist. Born into a Pietistic family of minor, slightly cash-strapped, Saxon nobility in 1772, he died of tuberculosis in 1801 at the age of 28. Novalis is sometimes seen as the paradigmatic figure of German Romanticism: His early death, the

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Albert Camus (1913—1960)

Albert Camus (1913—1960) Albert Camus was a French-Algerian journalist, playwright, novelist, philosophical essayist, and Nobel laureate. Though he was neither by advanced training nor profession a philosopher, he nevertheless made important, forceful contributions to a wide range of issues in moral philosophy in his novels, reviews, articles, essays, and speeches—from terrorism and political violence to suicide and the death penalty. He is often described as

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Una Comunidad de Filósofos

Por último, pero no menos importante, nuestra wiki de filosofía cuenta con una comunidad activa de filósofos, estudiantes de filosofía y entusiastas de la materia, que comparten sus conocimientos, ideas y perspectivas en un entorno de discusión enriquecedora. Únete a la conversación y enriquece tu comprensión de la filosofía. Participa en debates en línea, haz preguntas a los expertos y comparte tus propias ideas y perspectivas. ¡En nuestra comunidad, la filosofía cobra vida!