Wiki de Filosofía

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

The Yablo Paradox

The Yablo Paradox The Yablo Paradox implies there is no way to coherently assign a truth value to any of the sentences in the countably infinite sequence of sentences, each of the form, “All of the subsequent sentences are false.” Specifically, the Yablo Paradox arises when we consider the following infinite sequence of sentences:     The Yablo sequence of sentences seem paradoxical in the

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna


Bioethics Bioethics is a rather young academic inter-disciplinary field that has emerged rapidly as a particular moral enterprise against the background of the revival of applied ethics in the second half of the twentieth century. The notion of bioethics is commonly understood as a generic term for three main sub-disciplines: medical ethics, animal ethics, and environmental ethics. Each sub-discipline has its own particular area of

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Jean Bodin (c. 1529—1596)

Jean Bodin (c. 1529—1596) The humanist philosopher and jurist Jean Bodin was one of the most prominent political thinkers of the sixteenth century. His reputation is largely based on his account of sovereignty which he formulated in the Six Books of the Commonwealth. Bodin lived at a time of great upheaval, when France was ravaged by the wars of religion between the Catholics and the

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Epistemic Justification

Epistemic Justification We often believe what we are told by our parents, friends, doctors, and news reporters. We often believe what we see, taste, and smell. We hold beliefs about the past, the present, and the future. Do we have a right to hold any of these beliefs? Are any supported by evidence? Should we continue to hold them, or should we discard some? These

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Collective Moral Responsibility

Collective Moral Responsibility Focusing on groups through the lens of collective moral responsibility has broadened the scope of moral philosophy.  As a social practice, as well as an important theoretical issue, moral responsibility has most often been understood in the context of relationships among friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family members.  In this context, ascriptions of responsibility and judgments of blame are usually triggered by harm

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Human Rights

Human Rights Human rights are certain moral guarantees. This article examines the philosophical basis and content of the doctrine of human rights. The analysis consists of five sections and a conclusion. Section one assesses the contemporary significance of human rights, and it argues that the doctrine of human rights has become the dominant moral doctrine for evaluating the moral status of the contemporary geo-political order.

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Explorando la Historia de la Filosofía

En la wiki de filosofía de, podrás descubrir todo sobre la historia de la filosofía. Desde los grandes filósofos de la antigüedad, como Platón, Aristóteles y Sócrates, hasta los pensadores más modernos como Kant, Nietzsche y Heidegger, nuestra wiki te llevará en un viaje a través del pensamiento humano. Nuestra wiki presenta artículos y ensayos sobre una amplia gama de temas de la filosofía, que incluyen la epistemología, la metafísica, la ética, la filosofía política y más. Además, también encontrarás ensayos sobre las corrientes de pensamiento filosófico, desde el existencialismo y el racionalismo, hasta el posmodernismo y el realismo.

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Una Comunidad de Filósofos

Por último, pero no menos importante, nuestra wiki de filosofía cuenta con una comunidad activa de filósofos, estudiantes de filosofía y entusiastas de la materia, que comparten sus conocimientos, ideas y perspectivas en un entorno de discusión enriquecedora. Únete a la conversación y enriquece tu comprensión de la filosofía. Participa en debates en línea, haz preguntas a los expertos y comparte tus propias ideas y perspectivas. ¡En nuestra comunidad, la filosofía cobra vida!