Wiki de Filosofía

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John Wisdom (1904-1993)

John Wisdom (1904-1993) Between 1930 and 1956, John Wisdom set the tone in analytic philosophy in the United Kingdom. Nobody expressed this better than J. O. Urmson in his Philosophical Analysis: Its Development Between the Two World Wars (1956) where, after Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wisdom is the most frequently quoted philosopher. Wisdom was the leading figure of the Cambridge School of Therapeutic Analysis

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Renaissance Skepticism

Renaissance Skepticism The term “Renaissance skepticism” refers to a diverse range of approaches to the problem of knowledge that were inspired by the revitalization of Ancient Greek Skepticism in fifteenth through sixteenth century Europe. Much like its ancient counterpart, Renaissance skepticism refers to a wide array of epistemological positions rather than a single doctrine or unified school of thought. These various positions can be unified

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Free Will

Free Will Most of us are certain that we have free will, though what exactly this amounts to is much less certain. According to David Hume, the question of the nature of free will is “the most contentious question of metaphysics.” If this is correct, then figuring out what free will is will be no small task indeed. Minimally, to say that an agent has

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995)

Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995) Deleuze is a key figure in postmodern French philosophy. Considering himself an empiricist and a vitalist, his body of work, which rests upon concepts such as multiplicity, constructivism, difference, and desire, stands at a substantial remove from the main traditions of 20th century Continental thought. His thought locates him as an influential figure in present-day considerations of society, creativity and subjectivity.  Notably,

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Lucian Blaga (1895—1961)

Lucian Blaga (1895—1961) Lucian Blaga was a prominent philosopher in Eastern Europe during the period between the two world wars. Trained in both Eastern Orthodox theology and classical philosophy, he developed a “speculative” philosophy that includes books on epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, philosophy of culture, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of history, philosophy of science, and philosophy of religion. A chair in philosophy of culture was created for

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Wiki Filosofía
Reflexiones de la Vida y Filosofía Moderna

Plotinus (204—270 C.E.)

Plotinus (204—270 C.E.) Plotinus is considered to be the founder of Neoplatonism. Taking his lead from his reading of Plato, Plotinus developed a complex spiritual cosmology involving three foundational elements: the One, the Intelligence, and the Soul. It is from the productive unity of these three Beings that all existence emanates, according to Plotinus. The principal of emanation is not simply causal, but also contemplative.

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Por último, pero no menos importante, nuestra wiki de filosofía cuenta con una comunidad activa de filósofos, estudiantes de filosofía y entusiastas de la materia, que comparten sus conocimientos, ideas y perspectivas en un entorno de discusión enriquecedora. Únete a la conversación y enriquece tu comprensión de la filosofía. Participa en debates en línea, haz preguntas a los expertos y comparte tus propias ideas y perspectivas. ¡En nuestra comunidad, la filosofía cobra vida!