Wiki de philosophie

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne

Renaissance Skepticism

Renaissance Skepticism The term “Renaissance skepticism” refers to a diverse range of approaches to the problem of knowledge that were inspired by the revitalization of Ancient Greek Skepticism in fifteenth through sixteenth century Europe. Much like its ancient counterpart, Renaissance skepticism refers to a wide array of epistemological positions rather than a single doctrine or unified school of thought. These various positions can be unified

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne

Charles Hartshorne: Biography and Psychology of Sensation

Charles Hartshorne: Biography and Psychology of Sensation Charles Hartshorne is widely regarded as having been an important figure in twentieth century metaphysics and philosophy of religion. His contributions are wide-ranging. He championed the aspirations of metaphysics when it was unfashionable, and the metaphysic he championed helped change some of the fashions of philosophy. He counted some well-known scientists among his friends, and he embraced the

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne

Maurice Blondel (1861—1949)

Maurice Blondel (1861—1949) Blondel’s importance has largely been in theological and Catholic philosophical circles in France, Allemagne, Spain, Italie, and Quebec. Among many other important authors in the 20th Century, Blondel is responsible for the “new theology”, that played such a great role in the deliberations and arguments of the Second Vatican Council. Blondel’s readings of other philosophical figures also bears a striking resemblance to the type of

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne


Totalitarianism Totalitarianism is best understood as any system of political ideas that is both thoroughly dictatorial and utopian. It is an ideal type of governing notion, and as such, it cannot be realised perfectly. Faced with the brutal reality of paradigmatic cases like Stalin’s USSR and Nazi Germany, philosophers, political theorists and social scientists have felt not just intellectually motivated but morally compelled to explain

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Epistemic Closure Principles

Epistemic Closure Principles Epistemic closure principles state that the members of an epistemic set (such as propositions known by me) bear a given relation (such as known deductive entailment) only to other members of that epistemic set. The principle of the closure of knowledge under known logical entailment is that one knows everything that one knows to be logically entailed by something else one knows.

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne

Augustin: Political and Social Philosophy

Augustin: Political and Social Philosophy St. Augustin (354-430 C.E.), originally named Aurelius Augustinus, was the Catholic bishop of Hippo in northern Africa. He was a skilled Roman-trained rhetorician, a prolific writer (who produced more than 110 works over a 30-year period), and by wide acclamation, the first Christian philosopher. Writing from a unique background and vantage point as a keen observer of society before the

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Explorer l'histoire de la philosophie

Dans le wiki philosophie, vous pourrez tout découvrir sur l'histoire de la philosophie. Des grands philosophes de l'Antiquité, comme Platon, Aristote et Socrate, Même les penseurs les plus modernes aiment Kant, Nietzsche et Heidegger, notre wiki vous fera voyager à travers la pensée humaine. Notre wiki propose des articles et des essais sur un large éventail de sujets en philosophie., qui incluent l'épistémologie, métaphysique, éthique, philosophie politique et plus. En outre, Vous trouverez également des essais sur les courants de pensée philosophique, depuis le existentialisme et le rationalisme, jusqu'au postmodernisme et le le réalisme.

Concepts importants en philosophie

Notre wiki de philosophie comporte également une section dédiée aux termes et concepts importants.. Si vous vous êtes déjà interrogé sur la définition de termes comme ontologie, phénoménologie, herméneutiques o dialectique, alors notre wiki est l'outil parfait pour vous. Dans notre section termes et concepts, nous présentons des définitions claires et concises, cela vous aidera à approfondir votre compréhension des idées les plus complexes de la philosophie. En outre, Vous trouverez également des essais et des articles détaillés sur les concepts les plus importants, cela vous aidera à voir comment ces concepts s'appliquent dans la vie réelle.

Une communauté de philosophes

Finalement, mais non moins important, Notre wiki de philosophie a une communauté active de philosophes, étudiants en philosophie et passionnés du sujet, qui partagent leurs connaissances, des idées et des perspectives dans un environnement de discussions riches. Rejoignez la conversation et enrichissez votre compréhension de la philosophie. Participer à des discussions en ligne, posez des questions aux experts et partagez vos propres idées et perspectives. Dans notre communauté, la philosophie prend vie!