Wiki de philosophie

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne

Paradox of Hedonism

Paradox of Hedonism Varieties of hedonism have been criticized from ancient to modern times. Along the way, philosophers have also considered the paradox of hedonism. The paradox is a common objection to hedonism, even if they often do not give that specific name to the objection. According to the paradox of hedonism, the pursuit of pleasure is self-defeating. This article examines this objection. There are several ambiguities that surround

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne


Hedonism The term “hedonism,” from the Greek word ἡδονή (hēdonē) for pleasure, refers to several related theories about what is good for us, how we should behave, and what motivates us to behave in the way that we do. All hedonistic theories identify pleasure and pain as the only important elements of whatever phenomena they are designed to describe. If hedonistic theories identified pleasure and

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne

Robert Boyle (1627—1691)

Robert Boyle (1627—1691) Robert Boyle was one of the most prolific figures in the scientific revolution and the leading scientist of his day. He was a proponent of the mechanical philosophy which sought to explain natural phenomena in terms of matter and motion, rather than appealing to Aristotelian substantial forms and qualities. He was a champion of experimental science, claiming that theory should conform to

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne

David Hume: Religion

David Hume: Religion David Hume (1711-1776) was called “Saint David” and “The Good David” by his friends, but his adversaries knew him as “The Great Infidel.” His contributions to religion have had a lasting impact and contemporary significance. Taken individually, Hume gives novel insights into many aspects of revealed and natural theology. When taken together, cependant, they provide his attempt at a systematic undermining of

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne

The Problem of the Criterion

The Problem of the Criterion The Problem of the Criterion is considered by many to be a fundamental problem of epistemology. En fait, Chisholm (1973, 1) claims that the Problem of the Criterion is “one of the most important and one of the most difficult of all the problems of philosophy.” A popular form of the Problem of the Criterion can be raised by asking

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Wiki Philosophie
Réflexions sur la vie et la philosophie moderne

The Moral Permissibility of Punishment

The Moral Permissibility of Punishment The legal institution of punishment presents a distinctive moral challenge because it involves a state’s infliction of intentionally harsh, or burdensome, treatment on some of its members—treatment that typically would be considered morally impermissible. Most of us would agree, par exemple, that it is typically impermissible to imprison people, to force them to pay monetary sanctions or engage in community

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Explorer l'histoire de la philosophie

Dans le wiki philosophie, vous pourrez tout découvrir sur l'histoire de la philosophie. Des grands philosophes de l'Antiquité, comme Platon, Aristote et Socrate, Même les penseurs les plus modernes aiment Kant, Nietzsche et Heidegger, notre wiki vous fera voyager à travers la pensée humaine. Notre wiki propose des articles et des essais sur un large éventail de sujets en philosophie., qui incluent l'épistémologie, métaphysique, éthique, philosophie politique et plus. En outre, Vous trouverez également des essais sur les courants de pensée philosophique, depuis le existentialisme et le rationalisme, jusqu'au postmodernisme et le le réalisme.

Concepts importants en philosophie

Notre wiki de philosophie comporte également une section dédiée aux termes et concepts importants.. Si vous vous êtes déjà interrogé sur la définition de termes comme ontologie, phénoménologie, herméneutiques o dialectique, alors notre wiki est l'outil parfait pour vous. Dans notre section termes et concepts, nous présentons des définitions claires et concises, cela vous aidera à approfondir votre compréhension des idées les plus complexes de la philosophie. En outre, Vous trouverez également des essais et des articles détaillés sur les concepts les plus importants, cela vous aidera à voir comment ces concepts s'appliquent dans la vie réelle.

Une communauté de philosophes

Finalement, mais non moins important, Notre wiki de philosophie a une communauté active de philosophes, étudiants en philosophie et passionnés du sujet, qui partagent leurs connaissances, des idées et des perspectives dans un environnement de discussions riches. Rejoignez la conversation et enrichissez votre compréhension de la philosophie. Participer à des discussions en ligne, posez des questions aux experts et partagez vos propres idées et perspectives. Dans notre communauté, la philosophie prend vie!