The Constitution of the Itlani Commonality
Auteur: James E. Hopkins
Date MS: 09-14-2019
Date FL: 05-01-2020
Numéro FL: FL-000068-00
Citation: Hopkins, James E. 2019. “The Constitution of the
Itlani Commonality.” FL-000068-00, Fiat
droits d'auteur: © 2019 James E. Hopkins. This work is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
Non Commercial-Pas de Dérivés 3.0 Licence non transférée.
Fiat Lingua est produit et maintenu par la Language Creation Society (LCS). Pour plus d'informations
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General Introduction
Taking my general attitude toward world-building as a point of departure, I have been writing
essays that attempt to fill-out real in-universe issues in various ways. These essays are written in Itlani
with the express purpose of testing the Itlani language and in ensuring its ability to express the most
complicated and detailed subjects in crisp, clair, and concise (by Itlani standards) Itlani prose. Ils sont
then translated into appropriate English – my skill or lack thereof in both languages being what it is.
The Itlani and English versions of the Constitution of the Itlani Commonality have both provided
challenges in differing ways. The main challenge was deciding exactly how the new Itlani system of
planetary self-governance would actually work and how best to put it into formal but not inaccessible
Itlani. Some of the concepts involved had never before been expressed in Itlani and the text had to be
clear enough to avoid political misunderstandings and paradoxes in the future. In English the challenge
was to translate it in a way that avoided legalese but yet retained the flavor of an official document
possessed of a certain dignity.
To the best of my knowledge, a government such as described would actually work. I certainly
hope so as in the Itlani Hazafazara or Realms-Somewhere-Real (RSR) it actually exists! Toutefois, as a
Terran exposition of such a system I may have gotten things wrong, things that in our reality, Primary-
Physical-Reality (PPR) just wouldn’t work or have obvious gaps of intent or function. Suggested
corrections are welcome (if you see something, say something).
With the formal promulgation of the Basic Law, the Old Itlani Imperium came to an end and a
nouveau, more decentralized system took its place. Enjoy! More essays on Itlani life and society are
(finalement) à venir.
Ta muit Kulbrediit Losheypún ta Natuntelesa (KLN) seti ta tantoan ta Muskaifuna kumenteryiva
bazhi ta narosan Tas Satela Pelesondár Pulán-Shuv vey vuyinit kalivit zhirasharora vey loshprosharora ta
Pelesona, Tsiasuk-Pron (Tsirtsír-Ram). Idá Losheypún ta Natuntelesova ta Pelesona Itlana ta Pelesona
Itlana skankayava. Idá sat ta Pelesonova Itlana mashrá 5,010 aulavá manukanavyava vey sizdyava.
Seti 35an Salataa 5005 AM zarit Kultugit Losheypún ta Natuntelesa Tas Satoray Pelesondár
Shenzho uvakyiva, drimalilu ta shtasitivenosa ta Pelesona reshú arshprunit tayvidovó ta birhaza
vey radzaleybafosa dinilafiyata. Sterinit, ebonit semekh resh armayukeylit yunnulakey
usogarizhe ar ta meytlanaris vey ta nalaris ta tayesea franartantoilu etarasharit onyava.
Tikhodyiva u ta nalyún krazhni meytlanit onifavit onyava vey u estalú arbirzaizhe dlekeshyi
Seti 2an Daldeataa 5005 AM ta zarit :KLN, bazhi ta narosan Satela Fitounél-Shinár, djurit
vadikosova kulkaryava vey min valayarit kanlayovó ta shtasizda Tas Satorese Pelesondár
Shenzho inseriyava. Ta Pelesondarór nulakyavor u ebonarézht seti mu shirelenan brinkiyata
reshú djurilu ta ebón veykalyata kiinizhe savutova sayunya vemyaren. Ta min kelekenú onyaven:
o Zarit Pelesón sitagivit pe ta misaunit tayvidavá ta muit Pelesona ruzay losh fanait
ushogenín resh ta birzahazey vey ta meytlanín ta Tayarun.
Itlanit Forokhen pashni aslait varlezema ta Itlanit Tayarun. Iíd keleken ta oygidanit
sutudova ta Tayesea ushogyara vey ta meytlanovó ta kulbrediit nalyuna shprunizhe
Itlanit Mayukéyl, virazenova dazhem ta zar muit bamidavá rivshoyara.
Seti 2an Rozhtaa 5013 AM ebonarézht brinkiyava. Prundji ushogyiva u shey mergoleshkit
kelekivdiit Itlanit skatán ta sarmusova kelekya dazhem ta min bamidavá lafiyata. Prundji
eshkyava u ta kelekár shprashalovó dini ta keleksatese feryata.
Ta zarit bamíd sheri ta kumenterosey Itlanit Forokhena pititendayunizhe dralzhanyiva (82
mutalia) lomo u hait telesenit altoú dinifelyiten kiinú ta kulbrediit nalyunese ta venirit
meytlanovó dafaryaten resh ta urgosey ta muskaa ta Tayarun. Idailu, ta Tayú frelizhe shprunit
savutit estalovó fidirikorunya onyazhen shas ta makaey ta onosova-sá ta Forokhena
Seti 2an Prontaa 5014 AM, rumbi aulan ta tokinelatsit pabasosa vey lonevarun, Tas Satór
Pelesondár Shenzho ta yavit Pelesonova fadjyavor vey ta fazhenit Itlanit Forokhenova
Muúd, muúd! Ta yavyo ebarun!
Dini Eaan, talzakhit meytlán,
Ta Hazbat Kuluna, ta Vem Nikhunarun,
U muifyata shey mogaris, kiinizhe Itlantán!
1. Loshifavizhe dini ta Sikalunan ta Rozha, ta muifavit Tayú Itlana iíz melentayaren vey
nalavoizhe lapisyaren blikhnorgilu, zakhilu, shagalilu vey nikhilu resh ta kumenterey
rozhrezit, varemit, isait, otrinit, afakit, palanait vey satapit muifavit muskaey vadikya – iíz
mishtarativit: ta Itlanit Forokhen.
2. Shey muifavit Tayú Itlana, loshifavizhe iíz, tanú ta yav-Pelesona vey shey ta skaú kiinú fidiri
vutay eshkizhe dini ta yazhtaan korunyizhen, loshizhe losh ta Forokhenit nalyuney kiín iíd
Natuntelesilu kumenteryizha, tashi ta telessalan ta Forokhena, ishi vey sheytá pakrihanyiren.
Ta podáv ta Shatardjaarun, telesilu ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna, redjyizha.1 Ta Itlanit Forokhen ta
Djanarit, Djirit, Ravzhurit vey Semeriit ebonovó loshlugabyava. Ta Lastulanit ebón ta
Dzararun ta Shikaa, loshmuifya ravemavizhe, savutit estalovó nulakyazha, kulit sadarudilu,
shas hait djasey ta dazhemkoruna ba ta safteba, piri u idá ta Forokhenova bugafeyata.
3. Istavi iíd Natuntelesa, ta Itlanit Forokhen otrinit, muifavit vey sanarit Untár, sadarit muska,
fidiri mayukeylit sanarit, sayunit, Tayarun, korunyira. Vutit djeyellanit bakhna telesilisa ta
tayit valmetarun ta muifavit Tayarun Itlana vey ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna Itlana redjyizha,
loshifavit iíz.
4. Ta loshkadimbír ta Nalyuna ta Itlanit Forokhena pe ta Karfeyan Shirit Shishá birzayazha.
5. Ta nalit sholú Itlana, ritarenivit kari ta bakhnaey ta eypararun onyaren: Klanamaivit
Ravzhurit, mishtarativit, Itlani, Djanari, Semerii vey Djiri. Fanailu, ta Itlanit shol, ta klanashól
Itlana, ta natunit shol ta kulbrediit yunosa onyara. Ta Itlanit shol zar ferimilisa nalizhe feryi
ivdiyara, datebi vey romi.
6. Ta kulbrediit mudjatéyn ta shirit, ta amarit vey ta drunit minanit yotéyn onyara.
7. Ta kulbrediit satapprón ta Andozúl onyara.
1 Djemarizhe: Kulbrediit Valmetún Itlana (KVI)
8. Ta mazhúrg ta Forokhena, “Miara, varem vey parem! Ta mabugú shey dzevarun!” onyazha. Ta
misaunit tayvíd ta Forokhena, ta sanarúd ta ebontanarun dini vutit Tayavá, loshvadikarizhe
dini mu forokhit trelan, kiinzihe muifavit untár, onyazha. Ta vadík ta nalyuna pe ta
Tayvidavá ta Shuva ta Skayuna sitagyizha iíz pegivit dini ta Natuntelesan.
9. Ta lipál iíd Forokhena otrinit vey satelesit Itlanit tayarun onyara u resh forokhit cherechevey,
resh ta korunosey kulbrediit telesarun ta khilit otrinudarun, resh ta kumenterosey vey ta
odnokosey ta dazhemtayit aringonosa loshtelyiti, ishi zhigutarizhe u iíd mayukéyl vey muska
sheytait onyata vey murnizhe telesilu ta Kulbrediit Valmetunay maunyi makayata.
dix. Sheypaú vananivit pe ta vulan ba dini ta fridadjunan ta bredia Itlán Itlanit skatanudova
trevkonyazha. Kashá ta ushú mashratantoit depikarú onyaren vey ta skatanudova tamagit
bredia trevkonyaren, ta kurúdj ta marskatanudova mashrá sapait zarideynan tebya ivdiyara ba
makhá karafivit ta kurudjay seti sapait imreytudan.
11. Hait kurúdj vananivit pe tamagit bredian Itlanit skatanit ushiena Itlanit skatanudova
12. Hait kurúdj, ragazaru ta vana, kinpá Itlanit skatanit ushiena trebyiva, Itlanit skatanudova
13. Seti ta dralzhanan ta nalmakait Kansala ta Forokhenit Nalyuna, hait imréyt aatisarizhe Itlanit
skatanudova djurova ivdiyazha.
14. Seti ta klanadepikifan tamagit brediese, hait Itlanit skatán sapait Itlanit skatanudova fadjya ba
marskatanudova kumenterya ivdiyazha.
15. Ta manukanavit isanirit tayvidú ta muifavit Itlanit eylbredia idaú ta Kheyemhaza,
fidiriayzanivit ta Fereshilu ta Azarun Virsiár-Goma, kindju feresh ta oymantait Onkootova
Itlantana fidiritavilyara. Iíd ta ivdiova shey skatana ba ayunasa, togya ba djilendoya, kesh
khilizhe ba salizhe, hait talmenhazova, isanirova ba talshimova, ra-ivgonyara, ra-mayara vey
ra-urzafyara, kiinú kari vutit brinín vey togín tebyaren, piri u idaú ta Forokhenova ba djurit
tarvhesea bugafeyyaten.
16. Ta otrinit kiharivdi shey skatanarun ta Itlanit Forokhena, dazhini ta Tayavá Itlana, tsilyizha.
Kari sapait abiyoney vey dralzhaney dini vutan depikya otrnizhe ivdiyaren. Ta Valmetú ta
khilit tayarun ta depikvenovó redjyazhen, kiinú ta dyonosova ta khilarun dini ta yunosan idá
taya odnokyazhen. Shey nedeshár ebtetay dini ta tayanese kinzá brinkiyava ta ebtét,
shtamasinyizha. Rahait dazhemtayit kasila ta klanapridavosa venyira.
17. Sheylán ta upikit meytlán, kiinizhe nalafivit dini iíd Natuntelesan, Darunekay tebyizha. Ta
Darunekaba konchu-kelekit aba onyara. Ta Darunek mashrazarideynizhe zavachyazha vey ta
Darunekifós pe ta ivdian ta muit kurudja tayvidyira. Seti ta beneynan ta nararit Daruneka,
idapaa muit kurúdj Darunekifyazha. Kashá ta Darunek tamagit peshova, tamagizhe u sapait
muit kurúdj, kiinizhe muralivit konchuek fidirteynavit onyara, iíd, oychadit kelekuvakilu ta
Kulbrediit Valmetunay nalpradyizha.
18. Kashá ta Darunekaba hait ayenilu khastomifyata ba kashá ta Dralunit Kansál2 redjyata vey
pentuyata u ta Darunek vopitkanifavit onyata, ta cheykopenú ta Daruneka mashratantoizhe ta
muralivit ba ta fidiriteynivit konchuekay upikyazhen, kashá imreytit otua onyara idapá.
Kashá ra, ta Kulbrediit Valmetún nardiova stalyazha.
19. Slazku stomuda ta Darunekabaa ba ranti ta Kulbrediit Valmetún zhanyara u ta vopitkanivúd
ta Daruneka inurit onyara, ta muralivit konchuek ba ta dralzhanivit fidiriteynivit konchuek ta
Nalaküayese pitipanaifyazha. Kashá kiponarú ta pitipanaifosa zhanyiren Kelekún kari ta
kirenín iíd Natuntelesa, kiinizhe telesilu altoivit, nulakyizha.
20. Kashá, dini mu ba ta tamagit lukivit slazkuavá, muralivit ba fidiriteynivit konchuek ra-
lapanyara, ta Drunekaba ta oyhatrinit zheytumtanay ta saruna ta Darunekifosa,
djemarifyazha. Ta Sarún ta Darunekifosa telesilu ta Kulbrediit Vametuna redjyizha, kari iíd
Natuntelesy. Ta Natuntelesit Naksál djurova purzumyazha.
21. Ta Taydár hait taya ba ta Shatardjanár hait Shatardjaa ta muralivit ba fidiriteynivit
konchuekova kiponya ivdiyara.
22. Kashá kiponár ba kiponarú ta konchuekesea zhanyiten, kulbrediit ebonit kelek nulakyizha.
Kelekit beyzhídj shim shirelenarun dazhini ta kiponaravá vey ta konchuekan brinkiafandjit
onyazha. Seti ta karan iíd beyzhidja shey Tay ebonit kelekova brinkiafyazha resh redjya,
2 Dralunit Kansál: golér shey ta kanarun stalivit ta Darunekay.
oybakhnailu, kindju krifivek, kiinizhe ta astit Darunek, kelekyizha. Kashá rahait krifivek
oychadova ta uvakainen kamizyara, zarit kelek dazhem ta zar krifivekavá, kinpaú ta oygidanit
bakhnaova ta uvakarun lafitayaren, brinkiafivit onyazha. Iíd kulbrediit kelekós ta Kelekún
23. Kashá ra-lapanyara konchuek, ta Kulbrediit Valmetún mudjanarova stalyazha makhá ta
tantoan u Kelekún resh fazhenit Darunekey nulakyi makayara. Iíd redj kulbrediizhe
prazharafivit onyazha. Fazhenit Darunek kelekyizha vey abunifyazha kiinizhe iíz lukyiva.
24. Kashá ta Kulbrediit Valmetún redjyata u ta Darunek seti sapait cheykopenavá inurizhe
vopitkanivit varvari ta duley ba ta vomakaey onyara vey kashá rahait muralivit imreytit
konchuek zolyara, ta Kulbrediit Valmetún mudjanarova stalyazha. Iidpá makhá ta abunifan ta
muralivit konchueka zavachyazha. Kashá kiponár ta konchuekese zhanyita, Kelekún lan-lan
praykonizhe djani nulakyizha vey fazhenit Darunek kelekyizha vey abunifyazha kiinizhe iíd
Natuntelesilu lukyiva. Iidit redj kul-brediizhe prazharafivit onyazha. Ta girlestriúd ta emdala
ta dulit ba vopitkanifavit Daruneka telesilu ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna redjyizha.
25. Stalivit Mudjanár naryazha ranti ba makhá
ta muralivit konchuek seti ta minmakit aulan onyazha
ta Darunekaba seti ta natosan ravananiva zhanyira
o redjyiva u ta Darunek sapait Forokhenit cheykopenovó upikya ra-makayara
ta Darunek ta nalyunit meytlanovó vey cheykopenovó kozhatantoizhe dafarbranavit
26. Slazku u ta Darunek sapait cheykopenovó upikya ra-makayata ba kozhatantoizhe iíd
cheykopenovó dafarbranavit onyata, ta muralirit konchuek, kashá imreytit, mudjanarizhe
vavyazha makhá ta tantoan u ta Darunek sapait cheykopenesea shtakadimavit onyazha.
27. Ta Darunek ta Darunit Abunilu genyizha vey dini ta Darunekabaesea dinisavurivit onyazha ta
nalavoit fidiriruvosilu ta iizit lapisuna. Ta darunek, resh ta lapisuney, kelekivit
darunmishtaratova ushogyazha.
“Zhoy____shey loshkadimavesea vey ta ebonesea Itlana, mu vey shey, nalavoizhe lapisunyaru u ta
mayukeylit skaovó Itlana olutyazhu vey tuzotyazhu. Ta ivdiovó sheypaarun kinpaú dini vutan
depikyaren, kari ta fidiritavilivit Natuntelesey vey isaey ta Feresha ta Azarun cherechevyazhu Ta
Itlanit Forokhen, muifavit, shprunit vey otrinit, mashrá chadit shandi rashagaltsurivit, franarit
sanukiravá ipulyata. Iidova lapisunyaru vey kheyemyaru.”
28. Ta Doviivdi rahaizhe saftebyizha. Ta Muralirit Konchuek, kashá imreytit, ta Darunekabaova
lulyazha. Tamagizhe Mudjanár stalyizha vey Kelekún, kari iíd Natuntelesey, nulakyizha.
Ta cheykopenú ta Daruneka ta Itlanit Forokhena ta iíz fidiritavilivit onyaren. Fanait mashratantoit
eresaivenú, tanto-tanto iíd cheykopenesea fanayi makayaren. Iíd ta nalit telesilisa ta Kulbrediit
Valmetuna korunyizha. Inurit maú dini ta Darunekit cheykopenavá vey disuandjenavá altoilu ta iíz
ushogivit Natuntelesa fazeylafivit onyazha.
29. Ta Darunek ta Darunit Kansalova eyppilyazha.
30. Ta Darunek ta Kansaldarova stalyazha. Slazku ta raloshonosa ta Daruneka ta Kansaldár ta
Kansalova eyppilyazha.
31. Ta Dareunek hait telesova ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna, dralzhanivit ta Natuntelesit Naksalay ta
diniizhe zarmak anzonavá peferyazha vey upikyazha.
32. Ta Darunek, tashi ta karifan iíd zarmak anzonarun, venya makayara u ta Kulbrediit Valmetún
ta dumayova ta telesa ba hait anamarun djura shtaanazayata. Idait shtaanazaós ta dumaya ra-
33. Ta Darunek, sapait vemilu ba ta nonilisa ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna vey/ba ta Darunit Kansala,
hait nalyunit virbamidova kulbrediit chilinuda resh meyrandjit ebonarezhtey masinya
34. Ta Darunek ta Djanubovó ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna fadjya rahaizhe ivdiyara. Ta Itlanit
Forokhen misaunizhe valmetit yuním onyara. Ta Darunek djurit yundár onyara. Ta zar abaú
marlapanya cheykopyaren.
35. Ta Darunek ta Odnokovó vey ta Aatovó dralzhanivit ta Darunit Kansalay upikyazha kashá
rahait telesova ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna venyaren.
36. Ta Darunek ta rasiarit vey ta khordisalit sefraesea ta Forokhena stalovó korunyazha.
37. Ta Darunek indurandiovó vey pientait masinivovó tamagit munkabrediit nalyunesea
zhinetyazha. Munkabrediit indurandiú vey pientait masinivovó ta Darunekay
38. Ta Darunek ta Mantaaatár ta Khordisala Itlana onyazha vey Pitizovirova stalyazha kiín ta
sheyaspalit estalovó ta Khordisala Itlana yunyazha vey, dini tantaoan ta Tadranosa, khordiit
amgalova ta Darunekese ushogyazha. Ta Darunek kiinizhe sapait Pitizovír zavachyazha ratá.
39. Ranti ta nalgolerú ta Forokhena, ta sadarúd ta Eylbredia, ta dumér vunit episura ba ta upikós
vunit dazhembrediit varzenarun seti tardjenit vey shubait lundjagan zhanyiren vey ranti ta
dralsebit buyukós ta natuntelesit prazharit nalekarun dazhemprisyira, ta Darunek, rumbi
tesedizhe talmeneypya losh ta Kansaldarey, losh ta narín ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna vey losh ta
Natuntelesit Naksaley ta venirit vavovó iidit brinkia korunyzha. Ta ebontanesea sobonarizhe
sheri iíd vavín, ta kulit brediese Itlán uzinyazha. Iíd tuvavú resh ta natuntelesit prazharit
nalekovó lan-lan pristiizhe ushogya vey kumpezya sevolyizhen reshú iíd nalekú ta istavenovó
lafiyaten vutit cheykopenovó upikya.
40. Rumbi tomak anzonavá ta bilasosa iíd tumeytlanarun, ta Nar ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna ta
estalova ta Natuntelesit Naksalese klanadafaryazha seti ta nonan ta oychád djurit tanarun. Ta
Natuntelesit Naksál veykalyazha kashá-ba-rá iíd tuginú fazeylit onyaren tsey. Ta Natuntelesit
Naksál, diniizhe mak anzonavá, djurit veykalova prazharafyaha.
41. Ta Darunek ta meytlanova ta ebtetovó fardayya lafiyazha.
42. Ta Darunek losh ta Kulbrediit Valmetuney nobshetenilisa nobshetyazha, Iíd nobshetenú
uvakunilu fidirimakbashyizhen vey dumayivit ra-onyazhen.
43. Ta Darunek ta eyppilova ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna. Ta Kulbrediit Valmentún resh iíd drimaley
pientaizhe djanubifyazha. Ta Darunit Uzín dumayivit ra-onyazha.
44. Ta tanúd dini ta Darunit Tuddjadan telesilu ta Kulbrediit Valemetuna redjyizha.
45. Ta Darunek vey fidiriteynivit tanú ta Darunit Tuddjada vadik’himovó, kiinizhe redjivit
telesilu ta Kulbrediit Valentuna, ta Nalyunay kamizyazhen.
46. Shey trevkonenú igüairit resh ta nukmenit buyukín ta Daruneka ta Forokhenay
47. Ta Darunek vey ta Darunit Tuddjád, kiinizhe ta meyrandjit ebontansál, bazhi ta Itlanit
Telessalan zhanyizhen. Rahait aba djamó narosan ta Telessala onyara.
48. Ta Darunek sapait tuddjadova kari sapait dralzjaney nulakyazha – iíd gazaru ta draluda shey
49. Ta Nalyún, Daruneka vey sapait Kanarun dagatyazha. Ta loshkadimavit Kanú ta Darunit
Kansál onyara.
50. Ta nar ta Kansala ta Kansaldár onyazha. Idapá Darunit Aasatilu stalyizha vey kheyemivit ba
raivit ta Kulbrediit Valmetunay onyazha. Ta Kansaldár shasukhtalenit kan onyazha.
51. Kannivú telesilu ta Kulbrediit Valmetunay kumenteryiten ruzay, zhirí, ta Kannivova ta Telesa
vey ta Darunit Odnokshuva, ta Kannivova ta Munkabrediit Estalarun, ta Kannivova ta
Isharun, ta Kannivova ta Shmia, ta Kannivova ta Laychinila vey ta Kannivova ta Akalosa ta
Fridadjuna lugabyazha. Ranivit klanakanú, ta Darunekay, prundji stalyi makayaren.
52. Shey telesú ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna vey ta Darunit aatsatú ta Darunekay vey mu ba ar ta
nalmakait kaniena peferyizhen.
53. Ta Darunit Aatsát stalarit ta Kansaldarova ta Kansaldaray peferyizha vey telesilu ta Kulbrediit
Valmetunay dralzhanyizha ba brasyizha. Darunit Aatsatú stalarit ba kresarit Kanovó ta
Kansaldaray peferyizhen.
54. Ta Abaova peyratavizhe, shey Kanú iíd nalavoit lapisunova korunyaten vey ta Kanit
nalveshunova kamizyazha:
“Zhoy___ nalavoizhe lapisunyaru u ta Natuntelesova ta Itlanit Forokhena ensekyazha vey tuzotyazha,
kiinú nukmenizhe ta Forokhenit Nalyunova vey djurit Chabetovó doktasyaren vey u ta cheykopovó,
iizizhe pe zhoyese felivit, kari ta Telesaley Itlana, zhoyit peyratosilu iíd abaa kiinese zavachyaru ta
abiyonilu ta Daruneka upikyazhu.”
55. Ta Nalyún ta nalkorunovó ta Forokhena redjyazha vey upikyazha. Ta rasiarit zavachova vey
ta khordisalova zolit djurese lafiyazha. Kari ta odnokashtiín iíd Natuntelesa ta Nalyún ta
Kulbrediit Valmetunese disuandjit onyazha.
56. Ta Kansaldár ta korunovó ta Nalyuna nulakyazha. Resh ta kulbrediit cherechevosey
disuandjit onyazha. Ta upikosova ta telesarun iküihelistafyazha. Kashará tamagizhe, iíd
Natuntelesilu odnokashtiirit, ta ividiova odnokovó korunya lafiyazha vey stalovó rasiarit vey
khordisalit sefraesea korunyazha, iíd onyara, ta arsurit nakit sefraesea vey ta kelekosa ta
vavarit aatkanarun.
57. Ta Kansaldár anuvi sapait meytlanovó kanesea klananalafya ivdiyara. Kashá ta slazku venyara,
resh ta Darunekey kiinizhe nar ta valmetarun ba ubeyrarun bazhikanyazha.
58. Odnokú ta Kansaldara, kinzá shtrunyara, ta kaniena kipaú resh vutit upikosey disuandjit
onyaren, peferyizhen.
59. Ta tanúd dini ta Nalyunan losh ta tebosey hait abaa ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna, losh hait sefraey
ispoit rivshoosa seti kulbrediit kanlayan, losh hait prazharit demivudey ras losh hait ispoit
vavosey ra-sitezyazha. Ta mezabeyú kari kiinín ta tebarú iíd sefraarun ba dema, telesilu ta
Kulbrediit Valmetunay redjyizha. Ta mudjaafós ta Kulbrediit Valmetuntanarun (:Kavitanú)
kari ta odnokín iíd Natuntelesa brinkiyazha.
60. Shey meytlanova ta korunosa ta telesarun seti ta Kulbrediit Valmetunan, kiinizhe iíz iíd
Natuntelesilu fidiritavilivit, zhanyira. Ta Kulbrediit Valmetún telesovó dralzhanyazha. Ta
vavosova ta Nalyuna hasvinyazha. Ta prazharit nalkorunovó oskeralyazha.
61. Ta Darunek, ta Kansaldár vey ta Kulbrediit Valmetuntanú ta ivdiova telesovó bamidya
62. Ta Kulbrediit Valmetún mu Djanubova, ta Tayovó Itlana rivshoarizhe, trevkonyazha. Ta
Kulbrediit Valmetún ta ebontanovó Itlana rivshoyazha.
63. Ta Kulbrediit Valmetún mu tana shey Tayay Itlana dagatyzha. Iíd sefraú ebontanit kelekosa
djemarafivit onyazhen. Iíd kelekú kari ta redjivit odnokín ta Tayit Valmetarun brinkiyazhen.
64. Ta tantolán ta zavachosa seti ta Kulbrediit Valmetunan mu vartana yal aularun onyazha.
Rapabasivit stomú kari ta odnokín ta tayarun djemarifyazhen.
65. Teles ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna ta ginovó ta mergoleshkudova vey ta ramergoleshkuda ba ta
vositezuda ta valmetuntanuda redjyazha. Tayit valmetú ta kelekotovó idá pesharun
redjyazhen kinpaú ta stomit sefraovó ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna djemarafya uvakyiren. Iíd
makhá ta tantoan ta meyrandjit kelekosa ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna.
66. Hapá klavivit ebtetay ba gazarivit ta palanailu ba ta shagalit podavilu ramakait zavachya ta
abaova senyakhsilyazha vey stomen melentayizha. Iíd stomen ta nashkudorivit tayay
67. Hait shasgatavoyit Itlanit skatán, shas hait ebteteney ba blikhnorgit ba shagalit paydieney, seti
ta otuan ta imreytuda minmak aularun, kiinizhe Kulbrediit Valmetuntán mergoleshkit
zavachya onyazha. Ta tayú iíd ivdiova rahaizhe noviyazha ba altoyazha.
68. Kulbrediit Valmetuntán kiinizhe Kan ta Nalyuna vey Naksaltán peltantoizhe zavachya ra-
69. Ta Natuntelesit Naksál ta zhinetenovó fazhenizhe kelekivit tanarun kieyryazha vey sheri ta
odnokín purarit tadovó iíd zhinetenarun veykalyazha.
70. Ta tay kinzá brinkiyava ta kelekós ta odnokovó sheri ta purosey ta tadarun ta seyonarun ta
kelekosa redjyazha. Iíd odnokú ta Naksalese ta Natuntelesa batinyizhen.
71. Shey Kulbrediit Valmetuntán ta Ritazova ta Yunosa kamizyazha vey iíd lapisunova ruvyazha:
“Zhoy___, nukmenizhe kelekivit ta ebonay Taya___kiinizhe tán ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna nalavoizhe
lapisunyaru vey kheyemyaru u ta cheykopenovó iíd abaa, kari ta Natuntelesey ta Itlanit Forokhena,
kul-bogizhe ta Darunekese, kul-azburizhe hait vey shey odnokesea ta odnokshuvit buyukosa ta
Kulbrediit Valmetuna, upikyazhu.”
72. Shey Kulbrediit Valmetuntán himova kamizyazha. Ta tayit valmét ta taya dini kiinan
kelekyiva iíd tan iidova redjyazha.
73. Ta Kulbrediit Valmetún, kari ta tunkiín vey venín ta tantoa, hait eresaovó kumenteryazha,
nulakyazha vet odnokafyazha.
74. Ta Kulbrediit Valmetún, kari ta tunkiín vey venín ta tantoa, sadjurit diniit buyukosova,
mezabeyovó vey odnokshuvova kumenteryazha, nulakyazha vet odnokafyazha.
75. Ta Kulbrediit Valmetún kari ta sadarit, klanabrediit vey etsipralit kelekosey ta mergoleshkit
skatanarun doktasyizha. Ta Kulbrediit Valmetún shaskolvenizhe vey kari ta emdalit ushetey
shey mergoleshkit kelekara doktasyizha.
76. Loshizhe losh ta Mantanakaraey vey ta Naksaley ta Natuntelesa ta Forokhena, ta Kulbrediit
Valmetún iküihelistafyazha u ta Darunek dini rahait shtinverolenan ta meytlana ba ebtetit
vavosan ra-dyonyata. Kashá zhanyira u iíd ta slazku onyata, ta Kulbrediit Valmetún loshizhe
losh ta Mantanakaraey, oychadit uvakosilisa, rumbi odnokshuvit mezabeyan, melentayazha u
ta nalaküáy ta Forokhena stomit onyara vey ta muralivit ba fidiriteynivit konchuekova ba
dralzhanyazha. Kashá konchuek ra-zolyara, ta Kulbrediit Valmetún, kari ta slazkuey,
mudjanarova stalyazha ba Kelekunova nulakyazha.
77. Rahait Kulbrediit Valmetuntán, losh teltelesaatey, kelekyizha. Ta kelekivdi hait tana
loshonilu ba tanshedilu, kiinizhe venirit, korunyizha. Teles ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna, dini
pientait slazkuavá, ta uvakosova mudjaekilu, dralzhanya makayara. Idá slazkuilu, rahait tan ar
u mu mudjaekova kamizyazha.
78. Dini ta fidiriupikosan sapait cheykopenarun rahait Kulbrediit Valmetuntán dinitelesurivit,
kerivit, tazhbiliivt, telestebivit ba gabilivit varvari sapait uvakivit chonín ba dafarivit
uvakenín onyazha.
79. Ta Kulbrediit Valmetún dini mu tabit loshkadiman djanubyazha. Seti ta muit vadikaspalan
Prontaa iíd mabugifyazha vey seti ta karit vadikaspalan Vatarantaa karifyazha. Ta aspalú vey
ta gleyú ta djanubarun ta Odnokiena ta Mezabeya ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna redjyizhen.
Dvazhit ba franarit inuonós ta Valmetunay shuvafit keypumova vey tiforiit inululova
pemoriyazha. Idá slazkuilu, stomen melentayizha vey mudjaafivit tanú kari iíd Natunteleey
80. Ta Kulbrediit Valmetún seti ta aatisan ta Kansaldara ba ta oychadan ta Kulbrediit
Valmetuntanarun dini djamotabit loshkadiman djanubyazha reshú tirit korunritaren
dumayyita. Ranti djamotabit djanúb varvari ta aatisey ta Kulbrediit Valmetuntanarun
briniyazha, iíd djanúb aatsatilu karafivit onyazha ranti shey flegú ta korunritarena, varvari
kiinín ta Kulbrediit Valmetún uvakyiva, dlekeshavit onyazhen.
81. Djamotabit djanubú ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna aatsatilu ta Daruneka mabugivit vey karivit
82. Tanú ta Nalyuna ta djanubesea ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna leypasya ivdiyaren. Ta Kulbrediit
Valmetunova teynieypyazhen ranti-vá idaova aatisyazhen kashá ta telesvadikit teysál djurova
83. Ta Kulbrediit Valmetún dini pientait djanuban loshkadimyazha resh mu tanova djuray
kiinizhe Valmetundár kelekya kinpá djurova tashi ta Nalaküayan rivshoyazha.
84. Ta djanubú ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna okanit onyazhen. Gavgadanit ruvsát ta dumayarun dini
ta Nalit Zhigutferan ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna Itlana fidirifelyizha.
85. Nalafen ta Tadrana ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna korunyizha. Ta Nalyún ta Kulbrediit
Valmetunese sheri djurit veykalova ta khordisalova munkabrediizhe igüaya sobonyazha. Iíd
sobonós oyratraizhe seti shim aspalavá rumbi ta mabugan iíd igüaa brinkiyazha. Ta Nalyún ta
tseynakeylovó ta igüaa tugizhe choryazha. Iíd sobonen dumayova brinkiafya makayara.
Rahait uvakós korunyizha. Ranti iíd igüá ta khordisala djamó shim shirelenavá dersinyazha, orienté vers
Nalyún iíd franarafenova ta Kulbrediit Valmetunese, resh nalifey, virmasinyazha. orienté vers
Kulbrediit Valmetún djurit karit veykalova korunyazha. Kashá ta Kulbrediit Valmetún seti ta
karan iíd tantolana shim shirelenainen djanubarit ra-onyara, resh iíd drimaley
86. Tutanto ta Darunit Kansalay aatyizha. Ta Darunek vey ta Kansaldár dralzhanyazhen ba
rayazhen. Ta franarafós iida rumbi tantoan zarmak anzonavá dralzhanyi murnizhe ta
Kulbrediit Valmetunay makayara.
87. Ta Kannív ta Munkabrediit Estalarun shey dazhembrediit kasilaovó vey shukorenovó
88. Ta Darunek sheri shey chishtín resh ta choney dazhembrediit shukoreney nobshetyizha,
djurova dralzhanyazha vey djurova ta Kulbrediit Valmetunese resh ta nalpradey
89. Kasilaú ta Rozha, shukorenú ta aringonosa, kasilaú vey shukorenú losh dazhembrediit golerín,
idait satú kiinú ta yeralovó ta Forokhena varzenyaren, idaú kiinú ta podavesea khilemdalarun
tuzhanyaren, vey idaú kiinú ta lialosova, ta luldafarosova ba ta dakosova episura, murnizhe
telesilu ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna nalpradyi makayara. Iíd kasilaú vey shukorenú rahaizhe
khavavyazha makhá u ta nalprád kamizivit onyata. Rahait lialós, luldafarós ba dakós ta
episura shas ta dralzhaney ta nashkudorivit ebontanarun malakyazhen.
90. Ta Forokhen shukorenovó losh ta Brediit Nalyunit Tanín ta Loshifuna ta Muifavit Untararun
(LMU) lafiya makayara, kiinú shukorenilisa gobpelit djurit shukorenarun telyiren, dini ta
estalavá ta etituzota, ta ivdituzota vey ta tayvidit otrinuda pesharun, resh ta drimaley ta
redjosa vutit yunit chelodivdia, nashkudorizhe ta aatisín ta eituzota kiinovó kamizyaren.
Bolo, layso kashá ta aatís dini vutit chelodivdian, bazhi ta endoavá iidit shukorenarun ra-
zhanyira, ta nalgolerú ta Forokhena etituzotova hait munkabreditanese dafarya makait
samyazhen, kinpá varvari vutit vavín dini ta nivotsaan ta otrinuda pazhirit onyara ba kinpá ta
tuzotova Itlana tamagizhe mampisyara.
91. Kashá ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa, batinilu ta Darunekay ta Forokhena ba ta Darunit
Kansaldaray, semekhyara u dazhembrediit shukór itorisova dinilafiyara kiín mafáy iíd
Natuntelesa onyara, ta nalafós ta nashkudorivit dazhembrediit shukorenova nalpradya ra-
92. Ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa ta karimachkaova hait Kasilaa ba Shukorena ta aringonosa losh iíd
Natuntelesa redjyazha tashi u ta Kasila ba ta Shukór fidirifelivit ba fazeylafivit onyazha.
93. Ta Darunek ta tsilár ta sadaruda ta Naknala onyazha. Teles ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna ta
mergoleshkudova ta tanarun ta Naknala redjyazha. Nakú, kari ta odnokín ta nalyuna seti vutit
kanlayan ta chelodivdia, fidiri vutit sefraiena inululeshkit onyazhen.
94. Rapá osakizhe telestebivit onyazha. Ta Naknál, gir ta otrinuda ta khilemdal, ta karimachkaova
iíd tayvidese kari ta ginín kumenterivit telesilisa, iküihelistafyazha.
95. Rapá tetkeypumova ta beneyna kamizyazha.
96. Ta Mantanakara ta Forokhena makbról nakarun dagatyazha. Ta Darunekay, fidir ritarenay
ushogivit ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna, vutova stalyazha. Mashrá dan aulavá zavachyazhen. Seti ta
uvakosavá ta Mantanakaraa, slazku pakrihana uvakarun ta Darunek ta veykalit uvakova
97. Ta Darunek disuandjova kamizya makayara kashá ebtetovó mashrá ta upikosan vutit
cheykopenarun korunavit onyara. Ta Darunek, resh shadya tashi ta Mantanakaraan,
uvakeshkit onyara. Ta Darunek ta tseynakéyl tamagkanlayit nakenarun ba kerenarun onya
makayara. Rahait skatán Itlana djamo ta telesa zhanyira.
98. Ta Darunek fidiri sapait sefraay, mashrá ta tantolanan ta zavachosa djura, rakín inululyizha
piri varvari ta raupikosey sapait cheykopenarun raetalit losh ta bishosey dini ta sefraan. Iidit
inulúl fidiri ta sefraay, rumbi redjenan ta Naksala ta Natuntelesa, ta Kulbrediit Valmetunay
99. Ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa ta chelód ta karit kumparsia dini shey purdusan raebteta ba ebteta
inseriivit tashi djuran onyazha.
Nalyuntanú ebtetizhe resh terdjenit ebtetit vavín ta tebosa vutit sefraarun disuandjit
onyazhen. Iíd disuándj peltantoit losh ta korunosey ta ebteta onyazha. Ta Mantanakaraey ta
Forokhena resh raebtetit ba ebtetit narofenín gabilyizhen. Natuntelesit latsagú ta Naksalese ta
Natuntelesa batinyizhen.
Ta Mantanakara ta pegiena tardjenit ebtetarun vey tamagit narofenarun vey ta redjosa
ta keypumarun, ushogivit ta telessalilu, telyizha.
Ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa zar natunit tayovó ta disuandja lafiyazha. Muizhe, orienté vers
hasvinós ta Darunit vey ta Valmetunit kelekarun vey ta iküihestistafós ta malakuda ta
ebonarezhtarun onyara. Ta nalit seyonovó fidirifelyazha vey ta dralsebit korunotova vey
ta easova vuta pentuyazha. Ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa ta pitimoytoit nalova dini iíd estalavá
lafiyazha. Ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa kelekova ramalakit melentaya ivdiyara kashá
rasebizhe korunivit onyara ba kashá ta kelekivit krifivek mafaytelesit hegovó igüayava ba
yeralovó djamó ta telesit safan eryava.
Ta zarit tay ta disuandja ta Naksala ta Natuntelesa ta nemeyrós ta misaunit vey tayvidit
paraarun ta Natuntelesa, mezabeyarun, telesarun vey kasilaarun onyazha. Ta Naksál ta
Natuntelesa melentaya ivdiyara u telesú ta Natuntelesova ba ta talmen ta Natuntelesa
mafayyaren veybá u ta Rateteshkit Kadarit vey Khilemdalit Ivdisalova ushogivit dini ta
Natuntelesan mafayyaren. Prundji melentaya ivdiyara u kasilaú kiinovó Itlán peferait
onyaror Itlanit telesovó duaryaren. Iíd ta nalpradova peznoyazha makhá u ta etalafós
intevaivit onyazha. Ta veykalú ta Naksala ta Natuntelesa seti shey nalavá telmakait
Ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa makzár tanarurun dagatyazha, shey vut ta sefraova mashrá
rashtineshkit tantolanan mak aularun taebyazhen. Ta Kulbrediitt Valmetún, oychadit
uvakilisa, fidiri ta arsurit naknalay, ta tanovó ta Naksala ta Natuntelesa stalyazha.
Fanaizhe ta makzár tanarun ushogivit iíz pitiizhe, ta Darunek eyppilarit nakova
stalyazha. Idapá, slazku pakrihana uvakarun, veykalit uvakova lafiyazha. Kinzá pakrihán ta
uvakarun ra-lapanyara ta eyppilarit naksál rahait uvakova dafaryazha.
Ta sefra tana ta Naksala ta Natuntelesa losh idaey Kana ba Valmetuntana votezit
onyazha. Tamagit votezú telesilu ta Kulbrediit Valmetunay redjyizhen.
Ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa ta dralsebit korunosova ta Darunekifosa ba ta kelekosova
Daruneka ta Forokhena iküihelistafyazha. Dadjlaovó kieyryazha vey ta seyonovó djurit redja
Dini tadirit slazkuavá ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa sheri ta dralsebit korunotey ta kelekosa
ta tanarun ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna veykalyazha.
Ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa ta dralsebit koruntotova ebonarezhtit mezabeyarun, usogivit
dini iíd Natuntelesan, iküihelistafyazha vey t seyonovó ta ebonarezhta muadiyazha.
Telesú ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna ta Naksalese ta Natuntelesa batinyizhen, tashi u ta
Darunek vutova fidiriprazharafyazha. Dini ta slazkuavá usogivit dini ta tashiit
eshgolineynavá, ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa djurit veykalova diniizhe tomak anzonavá pridavya
cheykopyara. Bolo, seti ta aatisan ta Nalyuna, dini slazkuavá tukriorua, iíd tantolán yal
anzonesea laafivit onyazha. Dini iíd slazkuavá, batín ta Naksalese ta Natuntelesa ta dafarivit
tantolanova resh ta fidiriprazharafosey tatebyazha.
Ushogen kiín mafaynatuntelesit melentaivit onyara ras fidiriprazharafivit ras upikivit
onyazha. Rahait kumparsi ta veykalesea ta Naksala ta Natuntelesa kadimyazha. Shey prazharit
vey yunit nalovó vey shey chelodovó telyazhen.
Teles ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna ta odnokovó ta nulakosa vey ta buyukosa ta Naksala ta
Natuntelesa, ta azburandjit mezabeyova tashi djuran vey, pientaizhe, ta tantolanovó resh ta
batinosey ta tadarun djurese, redjyazha.
Ta Tayú Itlana dini ta fanafelan iíd Natuntelesa onyaren. Ta azheyós khalit tadarun
dazhem Tayavá kasilailisa dazhem ta Tayavá-sá imchelyizhen. Iidit kasilaú ta Naksalay ta
Nutuntelesa purzumyizhen vey kashá dralzhanivit onyazhen, telesilu ta Kulbrediit
Valmetuna fazeylafivit onyazhen.
Ta korunós fazhenit Tayarun fidiri lapanarit tayiena ta Kulbrediit Valmetunay
veykalyizha. Ta Naksál ta Natuntelesa dralzhanyazha ba ra.
Ta Tayú Itlana shey sayunit ivdiovó, ralialivit ta Forokhenese iíd Natuntelesilu,
teblafiyazhen. Kashá hait Tay tikhodyara u djurit sayunit ivdiú tetgeynizyiren, purdusova ta
Naksalay ta Natuntelesa aaitisya ivdiyara.
Kari ta misaunit tayvidey ta kulbrediit birhazey, estál prazharit ba okanit nashkudora
dini ta Forokhenan seti ta oybirit timeliit kanlayan veykalyizha – idá ta oysurit yunit
kanlayova kiryara.
Ta nalshól shey Taya ta shol ta oychada ta depikararun onyazha. Ta nalshól hait Taya
seti mu teylsalit aulan mayizha rumbi ta spavvisotinan kiín fazhenit oychadova redjyara. Shey
zavachú dini shey Tayan dini ta tayit nalsholan vey dini ta kulbrediit Itlanit klanasholan
Shey ivdiú, edjonú vey disuandjenú Itlanit skatanarun, kiinizhe usogivit iíz, idá
munkabreditanesea flaneryizhen kinpaú ta podavova inudepikara lafiyaren.
Resh kulbrediit kadarova sitagya, dini kiinan shey Itlanit skatanú fidiriuvakivdiova
vey talmenit, isanirit ba sakafisait togova dekuvayyaten, shey skatanú Itlana dini sapait
ivdiavá vey edjonavá pakrihanyaren – piri ranti iidit ivdiovó vey edjonovó brevizhe lialavit
onyaren. Ta iglazhanit gidér shey Itlanit skatanarun nalit pilayizha vey rahaizhe
tetgeynizyizha. Shey Itlanit skatanú sait arvastriekovó dlekeshyanen tsaya vutit ushú
onyanen, savutit pakrihanekovó tsaya zurhanú oyanen, vey ta armalachekovó tsaya vutit
dukhulú onyanen.
Onyara ta lipál vey ta disuándj ta nalyuna ta Forokhena helistafya u shey Itlanit
skatanú otrinit ta djasay vey ta kednait saltuday onyaten.
Shey Tantayú ta Itlanit Forokhena ta miaraova, ta varemova vey ta paremova shey
Itlanit skatanesea achisibya lapisyazhen, vutit ivdiovó vey misaunit otrinudovó tsilarizhe.
Ta satapúd ta usheta shey skatana rateteshkit onyara.
Shey skatán shey ivdiesea, vey otrinudesea, kiinizhe dini iíd Natuntelesan ushogyiren,
ivdiafivit onyara. Rahait kreyobragú ta pamlesheva, ta fazeya, ta vakhta, ta shola, orienté vers
talmenhaza, ta isanira, ta sakafisaa, nalyunit chonarun, kadarit podava, vananit lutara bay
vantaya korunyizhen.
Ta zarideynós, ta otrinúd vey ta imfayúd shey skatana tsilyira.
Rahait depikár pe Itlanan, skatán ba ra, dini ta bandjudan ba ta hantaekudan tebyizha.
Ta bandjúd, hait sizda, pe Itlanan, ishi vey sheytá, brogivit onyara.
Rahait depikár pe Itlanan, skatán ba ra, ta blikhnorgit, adalit, ba shagalit khipedja
bazhifelivit onyazha. Rahait depikár pe Itlanan, skatán ba ra, ta sharit ba giderlulit dlekesha
ba keypuma bazhifelivit onyazha.
Shey peshú, kesh skatanú, inurit depikarú, ba kuteyrú ta Itlanit telessala bazhifelivit
onyaren vey, ivdisalilu, ta tuzotova ta Itlanit telessala saese zolafya makayaren. Ta Itlanit
Forokhen rahait tayvidova ta klanapidavya nalit pilayara.
Rahait depikár pe Itlanan, skatán ba ra, ta osaktazhbila ba kuridjaa bazhifelivit
onyazha. Rahait skatán ta gazona bazhifelivit onyazha.
Rahait depikár pe Itlanan, skatán ba ra, hovorivit ebteta rahait kadenova iíd
hovoriena kamizyazhen kashará nalizhe seti disuandjit chelodan hovorivit oyaten. Ta
keypúm murnizhe rumbi ta klavan veykalyizha vey degvaryizha. Etikhivit ba bezit ebtetú,
kashrá rafidjivit, tetú ra-onyaren.
Ta okanúd, ta zheytúm, ta eyl vey ta tanshedit nobshetenú, kiinizhe prundji ta alaván
vey mayíg shey skatanarun satapit onyaren.
Shey skatán vey inurit depikár Itlana ta ivdiova otrinit kiharosa vey klanadepikosa
diniizhe ta khalavá shey Taya lafiyara.
Ta otrinúd ta dzevosa, kesh pe Itlanan ba inu Itlanay, tsiín dini slazkuavá ta tetit
shudja, tsilirit onyara.
Shey skatán ta Forokhena ta ivdiovó ta depikosa vey ta Tayit skatanuda trevkonyara
dini ta Tayan kiinova idapá kelekyara.
Shey skatán imreytit aularun ta ivdiova ta zarenifa vey ta zheytumosa trevkonyara. Ta
zarenifós murnizhe ta djemarit vey otrinit potrokilu zarzari khilarun mergolyizha.
Zheytumdusú ta tuzotova vey ta semekhova ta Forokhena kamizyazhen.
Shey skatán ta Forokhena ta ivdiova trevkonensalova trevkonya lafiyara, kesh
khilizhe ba salizhe. Rapá sait trevkonensalay osakizhe saltivit onyazha. Ta Forokhen rahait
tayvidova ta nalyunit trevkonsaltosa nalit pilayara.
Shey skatán karkulit otrinudova ta talmenhaza vey ta privodosa lafiyara, tsiín kashá
idá bugafeyit tamagpaarun onyata. Shey skatán karkulit otrinudova sait talmenhaza kelekya
lafiyara. Shey skatán rahait talmenhazova kelekya ivdiyara. Ta nalyún ta Forokhena dini
estalavá ta togosa vey ta talmenhazarun akait onyara. Ta Fereshova ta Azarun, kiinizhe
manukanavarit sakafisa ta Muskaa danivyara shas hait razoeney idapaesea kinpaú djurova, ba
kulizhe ba anamizhe, rakhuyaren.
Shey skatán, inurit depikár ba kuteyrár ta ivdiova ta otrinuda ta chonosa vey ta
sauvakosa, kiinizhe prundji ta ivdiova sobonenovó otrinizhe vey shas nalyunit paydiosey
kamizya trevkonyara.
Shey skatán, inurit depikár ba kuteyrár ta ivdiova ta otrinuda ta rozhit loshkadimosa
vey dinisalifosa lafiyara. Rahait skatán, inurit depikár ba kuteyrár, loshkadimya ba dinisaifya
zhindiyi makayara, tsiín dini slazkuavá ta vataranit, heynuzit, nalyunit, khordisalit ba kadarit
tuarun kiinizhe pegivit dini iíd Natuntelesan.
Shey skatán dini ta kadarit, nalyunit vey talmenit estalavá sait shata, shatuna,
shatatdjaa, Taya ba ta kulbrediit Forokhena, kari sait dralzhaney, ta ivdiova otrinizhe dyonya
trevkonyara. Shey skatán ta ivdiova dini ta kadarit, nalyunit vey talmenit estalavá sait shata,
shatuna, shatatdjaa, Taya ba ta kulbrediit Forokhena ra-dyona lafiyara.
Shey skatán vey inurit depikár ta pakrihanit ivdiova trevkonyara ta prazharit
zavachovó, zolit dini sait Tayan ta Forokhena. Tuzavachú, kari ta tunkiín, ta kuteyraresea
Ta Ebonabiyón ta misaún ta nala ta Forokhena onyazha. Iíd uvakyizhe ta kukuit,
potenit kelekdusilisa ta kulit uvaksala. Ta kochendjós etsipralit onyazha.
Shey skatán vey inurit depikár ta ivdiova ta imfayit, giderit vey zarideyntebarit vadika
trevkonyazha. Shey skatán vey inurit depikár, slazkuizhe ta rademuda yeralizhe ta Tayit
telessalilu tuzotivit onyazha.
Shey skatán vey inurit depikár zhirí to aspalavó ta damotagaris ta dekaspalit palenese
lafiyzha.. Fanaizhe onyazhen ta tayit ba kulbrediit zhanalú vey aspalú ta zhigutosa.
Shey skatán vey inurit depikár ta igüosova shey ta prazharit flegesarun ta Forokhena ,
resh ta djemarit vey karkulit ananosey sait emdaluda trevkonyazha.
Shey skatanú vey inurit depikarú ta ivdiova ta zarideyntebarit yalyena ta zardeynosa,
ta urida, ta genbona, ta depikbira, ta heynuzosa vey, ranti tunkiyiren, ta kadarit zavacharun
Shey skatanú vey inurit depikarú ta ivdiova ta imfayuda, slazkuizhe ta rademosa, orienté vers
duluda, ta bugafeyifa, ta sanateyuda ba vastriuda lafiyaren.
Shey skatanú vey inurit depikarú ta ivdiova shasgrugit heynuzima trevkonyaren.
Shey skatanú vey inurit depikarú ta ivdiova shasgrugit tilosa udj ta vey lugabizhe ta
nivakinit kanlaya. Ta tilós udj ta vey lugabizhe ta mintilbirit kanlaya cheykopafit onyara. ats
ayzanimú ta Forokhena ta daatsova, ta peyratatsova, ta marfanatsova dazhini sheypaavá
shasobragizhe achisibyazhen. Prundji ta vavenovó ta Itlanit Forokhena resh ta okrintuey ta
rozhreza vey ta shmia vasuriafyazhen. Ta ushú ta herivit norova ta tilosa resh sait dukhulín
otrinizhe kelekyazhen.
Shey skatanú vey inurit depikarú ta ivdiova dini ta kayarit vey ta nirit zarideynan ta
Itlanit Forokhena dyona lafiyazhen.
Shey skatanú vey inurit depikarú ta ivdiova ta tuzota vutit kovalit vey kednait
nashkudorenarun lafiyazhen fidiri hait nirit, dralferit, ba drindait brunenay kiina ta skanka
Shey skatanú vey inurit depikarú ta ivdiova kadarit, tayit vey kulbrediit odnokshuva
lafiyaren, dinii kiinan ta ivdiú vey ta otrinú usgogivit iíd Natuntelesilu djeyeldjemarizhe
introlyi makayaren.
Ta buyukrintig ta Forokhena, tuzhanizhe ta khilit skatana ba inurit depikara onyazha:
Oylanit otrinúd bazhi ta telessalan – ta telessál lapanarizhe murnizhe reshú ta otrinúd rapaa ta
otrinudilu tamagpaarun tetgeynizyita.
Rahait khilit otrinú mafáy ta drimalín vey ta tayvidín ta Itlanit Forokhena fazeylya
makayaren. Bolo, dini estalavá ta usheta, ta ivdi skatanit raazburosa nalit pilayira.
Rahait ushogen ba ushogenú iíd Natuntelesa nemeyryi makayaren idaizhe u tamagit
ushogenova ba ushogenovó ta Natuntelesa-sá mafayyanen.
Ta Kulbrediit Nalyunós ta Itlanit Forokhena vey djurit Natunteles kiinizhe iíz
inserivit kari ta tayvidey ta Odnokshuva ta Skayuna upikyizhen. Iíd travetyara u shey
korunenú ta brediit skayuna ta blikhnorgit, ta zakhit, ta shagalit vey ta nikhit
odeshlindienovó ta upikosa shey ushogenarun gazaryazhen. Shey ushogenú iíd Natuntelesa
lan-lan rast-nemeyrizhe upikivit onyazhen shas ta talmenova tetya kiinilu feryiva vey
Ta Darunek, ta Kansaldár ta Darunit Kansala, ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna ba zar mindoit
archád ta Tayainen altoosova iíd Natuntelesa aatisya ivdiyaren. Ta altoen, kiinizhe hait
tamagit teles, iküikavisuivit vey sheriuvakivit onyazha. Kashá dralzhanivit vey peferivit ta
Darunekay vey Kansaldaray, ta Mantanakarese virmasinyizha.
Ta Darunek, ta Kansaldár ta Darunit Kansala, ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna ba zar mindoit
archád ta Tayainen Kulbrediit Losheypunova ta Natuntelesa aatisya ivdiyara. Ta drimál iida ta
kulit ba anamit mudjaafós iíd Natuntelesa onyazha. Karavizhe djurit losheypovó ta karit
blavka iküigazarivit vey sheriuvakivit ta kulit ebontansalay Itlana onyazha. Kashá
dralzhanivit onyazha, ta lapanarit nalyún, mashrá mu kulit aulan, saova vokorunosyazha vey
ta rozhit vey odnokshuvit kumenterova fazhenit nalyuna pitiryazha.
Ubéyr resh ta Shtasizdey ta Pelesona Itlana
2 Daldeataa 5013 AM
The first Planetary Constituent Conference (PCC) was set up at the time of the Unification under the
auspices of Empress Pulán-Shuv and her trusted assistant and co-founder of the Imperium, Tsiasuk-Pron
(Tsirtsír-Ram). That Conference produced the Natunteles ta Pelesona Itlana or the “Basic Law
(Constitution) of the Itlani Imperium. That document was to guide and inform the Itlani Imperium for
5,010 years.
On 35 Salatá 5005 YU a second Planetary Constitutional Conference was called by Emperor Shenzho for
the purpose of restructuring the Imperium to include stronger principles of subsidiarity and
decentralization. Popular support for a more confederal arrangement providing additional power and
authority to the Provinces had been growing for some time. It was felt that the central government had
become too powerful and that affairs needed to be dealt with on a more local basis.
On 2 Daldeatá 5013 YU the second PCC, under the presidency of Lady Fitounél-Shinár, completed its work
and presented three differing levels of reform to Emperor Shenzo. The emperor arranged for a
referendum to be held in one month’s time to let the people decide on how they wished to govern
eux-mêmes. The three options were:
o Second Imperium based on the foundational principles of the first Imperium but with some
additional provisions for subsidiarity and powers for the Provinces.
Itlani Commonality consisting of a very loose alliance of Itlani Provinces. This choice provided the
greatest flexibility to the Provinces and greatly limited the powers of the central government.
Itlani Confederation representing a compromise position between the first two proposals.
On 2 Rozhtá 5013 YU a popular referendum was held which allowed each eligible voting Itlani citizen the
opportunity to choose one of the three proposals. Provision was also made for each voter to be able to
supply additional comments and recommendations.
The second proposal on establishing an Itlani Commonality was overwhelmingly approved (82%)
provided that certain legislative amendments be put into place that confer upon the central government
the requisite powers for preserving the union of Provinces. Thereby, the Provinces would be independent
enough to carry on their own affairs but would not be so empowered as to be able to call into question
the very existence of the Commonality itself.
On 2 Prontá 5014 YU, after a year of meticulous planning and preparations, the old Imperium was
dissolved by Emperor Shenzho and the new Itlani Commonality was proclaimed.
Unité, Unité! Joy of all peoples!
In Primordial Dawn of light-souled Power,
The Way of the Universe, the Will of the Elders,
May we be one! The people of Itlán!
1. Gathered together in the Great Hall of Peace, the united Provinces of Itlán here declare and do
solemnly promise to work with body, cœur, esprit, and soul for the establishment of a peaceful,
loving, sage, gratuit, happy, en bonne santé, and holy united realm, herein named, the Itlani Commonality.
2. All united Provinces of Itlán here gathered, having comprised the Old Imperium, and all nations
that from them may in future be constituted, together with the Commonality Government, ce
shall by this Basic Law be established, are perpetually equal before the law of the Commonality.
The status of the Independent City-States shall be determined by an Act of the Planetary
Assembly.4 The Itlani Commonality shall consist of the Djanari, Djiran, Ravzhurian and Semerian
les peuples. The Lastulani People of the Fog Mountains, having not acceded to unification, shall
determine their own affairs, in complete sovereignty, without fear of interference or restraint,
excepting as it may be injurious to the Commonality.
3. By this Basic Law, the Itlani Commonality constitutes a free, united, and sovereign World, un
independent, united Realm, made up of confederate, sovereign, autonomous Provinces, whose
total number is to be determined by acts of the provincial legislative assemblies of the united
Provinces of Itlán here gathered together and the Planetary Assembly of Itlán.
4. The Seat of Government of the Itlani Commonality shall be located on the island of Shirit Shishá.
5. The official languages of Itlán, listed according to number of speakers, sont: Reformed
Ravzhurian, denominated Itlani, Djanari, Semerian and Djiran. En plus, Itlani is the planetary
lingua franca of Itlán and is the primary language of planet-wide administration. There are two
official Itlani scripts: Datebic and Latin.
6. The planetary emblem shall be the green, gold and magenta horizontal tricolor flag.
7. The planetary anthem shall be ta Andozúl.
8. The moto of the Commonality shall be “Hope, love and respect. The Beginnings of all Journeys.”
The foundational principle of the Commonality shall be the sovereignty of the people in their
3 In Itlani: Itlanit Forokhen, littéralement, “Itlani Common-thing”, that which is shared in common.
4 In Itlani: Kulbrediit Valmetún Itlana, literally the “Planetary Assembly of Itlán”
Provinces working together in common cause as one united World. The work of the government
shall be based on the Principles of the Discipline of the State5 herein defined in this Basic Law.
It shall be the mission of this Commonality of free and autonomous Itlani provinces to band
together for a common defense, to establish planetary laws for the securing of their personal
liberties, for the establishment and regulation of inter-provincial trade, bearing in mind always
that this confederation and union is perpetual and can only be altered by and act of the
Planetary Assembly.
dix. Itlani citizenship shall be granted to all born on the soil or in the space of the Itlani Homeworld.
If the parents are temporary residents and hold citizenship of another world, the child may
retain dual citizenship for life or until terminated by the child upon its maturity.
11. Itlani citizenship shall be granted to any child born of Itlani citizen parents anywhere offworld.
12. Itlani citizenship shall be granted to any child, regardless of origin, who is adopted by Itlani
citizen parents.
13. Itlani citizenship shall be granted to any adult requesting such citizenship, upon the approval of
the cognizant Ministry of the Commonality Government.
14. Any Itlani citizen may dissolve her or his Itlani citizenship upon relocating to another world or
may establish dual citizenship.
15. The guiding philosophical principles of the united Itlani homeworld shall be those of the
Agathian Way as enumerated in Virsiár-Gom’s Book of Jewels, which book constitutes the
Higher Law of Itlán. This does not preclude, alter or weaken in any way the right of each
planetary citizen or community to espouse and practice, either individually or collectively, n'importe lequel
Spirit-Way, philosophy or school of thought that they might find amenable to their own tastes
and beliefs, excepting they be injurious to the Commonality or its citizens.
16. All citizens of the Itlani Commonality are guaranteed free movement among all Provinces of
Itlán and may freely take up residence therein according to their individual will and good
plaisir. The Legislative Assemblies of the respective provinces will determine the residency
requirements governing the participation of individuals in the administrative affairs of that
province. All those fleeing a crime shall be returned to the province wherein the crime is
committed, no inter-provincial treaty of extradition being required.
5 In Itlani: Odnokshúv ta Skayuna. The “Discipline of the State” is a set of principles invoking and mandating
good order in the functioning of the government, the strict adherence to rules and procedures,
discouraging free-lance or adhoc proceedings.
17. All executive power shall be held by the High King or High Queen, as herein delineated by this
Basic Law. The office of the High King or High Queen is a hereditary-elective office. The High
King or High Queen serves for life and the succession is determined by primogeniture, le
reigning High King’s or High Queen’s eldest offspring assuming the High King or High Queen’s
Office upon the High King’s or High Queen’s death. Should the High King or High Queen
designate another than his or her firstborn as heir presumptive this shall be ratified or denied by
the Planetary Assembly by majority vote.
18. Should the office of the High King or High Queen fall vacant for any reason whatsoever or should
the Royal Council of Ministers7 determine and rule by absolute majority that the High King or
High Queen is incapacitated, the duties of the High King or High Queen shall be temporarily
exercised by the heir presumptive or heir designate if of legal age or by a regent appointed by
the Planetary Assembly otherwise.
19. In the case of a vacancy, or where the incapacity of the High King or High Queen is found to be
permanent by the Planetary Assembly, the heir presumptive or the approved heir designate
shall ascend to the Throne. If challengers to the ascension be found a Great planetary Election
shall be arranged according to the provisions of this Basic Law as may be amended by
20. Si, in either of the above cases, an heir presumptive or heir designate not exist the Office of the
High King or High Queen shall be filled by the next of kin in line of succession. The line of
succession shall be determined by an act of the Planetary Assembly in conformance with this
Basic Law and shall be review by the Constitutional Court.
21. The Governor of any Province or the Mayor of any City-State shall be eligible to challenge the
heir presumptive or heir designate to the throne.
22. Should there be a challenger or challengers to the Throne, a planetwide popular election shall
be arranged. A electoral campaign of five months amongst the challengers and the incumbent is
to be held. At the conclusion of this campaign each Province shall host a popular vote to
determine, by majority, which candidate shall be chosen as the next High King or High Queen. Si
no candidate receives the majority of votes, a run off election shall be arranged between to the
two candidates with the highest number of votes. This election shall be called the “Great
23. Shall there be no heir, the Planetary Assembly shall appoint a Regent until such time as a Great
Election for a new High King or High Queen can be held. This determination shall be made
public planetwide. A new High King or High Queen shall then be elected and invested as
provided for above.
6 In Itlani: Darunór or Darunél. In this constitution the non-gendered form, Darunek is used.
7 In Itlani: Darunit Kansál or “Royal Group of Ministers”.
8 In Itlani: ta Kelekún
24. Should the Planetary Assembly determine that the High King or High Queen is permanently
incapable of carrying out his or her duties by reason of sickness or disability, and there be no
heir presumptive of majority age, the Planetary Assembly shall appoint a Regent who will serve
until the ascension of the Heir Presumptive, and if there be a challenger to the Heir, a Great
Election shall be held as soon as practical and a new High King or High Queen shall be elected
and invested as provided for above. Such determination shall be made public planetwide. Le
guardianship of the ailing or disabled High King’s or High Queen’s person shall be determined by
an Act of the Planetary Assembly.
25. An appointed Regent shall rule when or until
the Heir Presumptive reaches the age of 30 years
the office of High King or High Queen vests in an unborn child
it has been determined that the High King or High Queen is incapable of carrying out
Commonality duties
the High King or High Queen has temporarily relinquished governmental powers and duties.
26. In the case that the High King or High Queen be unable to carry out their duties or has
temporarily relinquished such duties, the heir presumptive, if of majority age, shall act as Regent
until such time that the High King or High Queen shall return to active duty.
27. The High King or High Queen shall be invested with the Royal robes and shall be installed in
office by solemnly swearing the following oath. For the purpose of the oath she or he shall
provide their chosen regnal name:
“I ____ to all here assembled and to the peoples of Itlán, one and all, do solemnly promise to nourish
and protect the confederated provinces of Itlán and to defend the rights of all who live within them
according to the Basic Law and the wisdom of the Book of Jewels now set out before them. May the
Itlani Commonality, united, strong, and free, thrive for many long Ages yet undreamed of. This I
promise and affirm.”
28. The Right of Abdication shall not be restrained, the Heir Presumptive assuming the Office of the
High King or High Queen if of majority age or otherwise a Regent being appointed and a Great
Election being called, as provided for above.
The duties of the High King or High Queen of the Itlani Commonality are those herein delineated.
Additional temporary commissions may be from time to time added to these duties by legislation duly
passed by the Planetary Assembly. Permanent changes in royal duties and responsibilities shall be
effected by amendment of the Basic Law as herein provided.
29. The High King or High Queen shall preside over the Royal Council of Ministers.
30. The High King or High Queen shall appoint the Head Minister who in the case of the non-
attendance of the High King or High Queen shall preside over the Royal Council of Ministers.
31. The High King or High Queen shall sign and promulgate any Act of the Planetary Assembly within
twenty days of its approval by the Constitutional Court.
32. The High King or High Queen may, before the expiration of these twenty days require the
Planetary Assembly to reopen debate on the Act or on any sections thereof. Such reopening of
debate shall not be refused.
33. The High King or High Queen may on his or her own initiative or on the recommendation from
the Planetary Assembly and/or Royal Council of Ministers submit any government bill of planet
wide import to popular general referendum.
34. Under no circumstances can the High King or High Queen dissolve the Planetary Assembly. Le
Itlani Commonality is a fundamentally parliamentary system with the High King or High Queen at
its head. One office cannot exist without the other.
35. The High King or High Queen shall sign into effect the Ordinances and Decrees approved of by
the Royal Council of Ministers if they require no Planetary Assembly legislation.
36. The High King or High Queen shall make appointments to the civil and military posts of the
37. The High King or High Queen shall accredit ambassadors and extraordinary envoys to outworld
governments. Outworld ambassadors and extraordinary envoys to the Itlani Commonality shall
be officially accepted by the High King or High Queen.
38. The High King or High Queen shall be Supreme Commander of the Armed Force of Itlán (AFI) et
shall appoint a Chief General who shall run the everyday affairs of the AFI and in times of war
provide military counsel to the High King or High Queen. At no time shall the High King or High
Queen serve as his or her own Chief General.
39. Where the institutions of the Commonality, the independence of the Homeworld, the integrity
of its territory or the fulfillment of its interplanetary commitments are under serious and
immediate threat, and where the proper functioning of the constitutional public authorities is
interrupted, the High King or High Queen shall take measures required by these circumstances,
after formally consulting the Head Minister, the leaders of the Planetary Assembly and the
Constitutional Court. He or she shall address the Planet and inform it of such measures. Le
measures shall be designed to provide and restore the constitutional public authorities as swiftly
as possible, with the means to carry out their duties.
40. After forty days of the exercise of such emergency powers, the matter shall be referred to the
Constitutional Court by the President of the Planetary Assembly, upon recommendation of a
majority of its members, so as to decide if the emergency conditions still apply. Le
Constitutional Court shall make its decision public within ten days of its decision.
41. The High King or High Queen is vested with the power to grant individual pardons.
42. The High King or High Queen shall communicate with the Planetary Assembly by messages
which he or she shall cause to be read aloud and which shall not give rise to debate.
43. The High King or High Queen may take the floor of the Planetary Assembly convened for this
but. This communication shall not give rise to debate.
44. Membership in the Royal House shall be determined by an Act of the Planetary Assembly.
45. The High King or High Queen and designated members of the Royal House shall receive salaries
from the State as determined by an Act of the Planetary Assembly.
46. All properties being used for the befitting functions of the High King or High Queen shall be
possessions of the Commonality.
47. The High King or High Queen and the Royal House shall be subjected to Itlani Law as is the
general populace, no Office being beyond the reach of Law.
48. The High King or High Queen shall organize his or her Household as they see fit, in consideration
of the common good of all Itlani.
49. The Government shall consist of the High King or High Queen, and his or her Ministers. Le
assembled Ministers shall constitute the Royal Council of Ministers.
50. The presiding officer of the Royal Council of Ministers shall be the Head Minister9 who shall be
appointed by Royal Decree and approved or disapproved by the Planetary Assembly. The Head
Minister will be a minister without portfolio.
51. Ministries shall be established by an Act of the Planetary Assembly but shall, at the least,
include the Ministry of Law and State Discipline, the Ministry of Outworld Affairs, the Ministry of
Guerre, the Ministry of Knowledge, and the Ministry of Prosperity, the Ministry of the Environment
and the Ministry of Space Exploration. Non-departmental ministers-at-large may also be
appointed by the High King or High Queen.
52. All Acts of the Planetary Assembly and Royal Decrees shall be signed by the High King or High
Queen and one or more cognizant Ministers.
53. The Royal Decree appointing the Head Minister shall be countersigned by the latter and
approved or disapproved by an Act of the Planetary Assembly. Royal Decrees appointing or
dismissing Ministers shall be countersigned by the Head Minister.
9 In Itlani: Kansaldár or “Head Minister of the Council”. This is similar to a governmental cabinet.
54. Upon accepting Office all Ministers shall take this solemn oath and be invested with the
Ministerial Sash:
“I ___ do solemnly swear to uphold and protect the Basic Law of the Itlani Commonality and all the
Institutions duly constituting the Commonality Government and its Agencies and to carry out
according to the Laws of Itlán the duties hereby placed upon me by my acceptance of this office
which I do serve by pleasure of the High King or High Queen.”
55. The Government shall determine and conduct the policy of the Commonality. It shall have at its
disposal the civil service and the armed forces. It shall be accountable to the Planetary Assembly
in accordance with the terms and procedures set out in this Basic Law.
56. The Head Minister shall direct the actions of the Government. He or she shall be responsible for
the planetary defense. He or she shall ensure the implementation of legislation. Unless
otherwise stipulated in this Basic Law he or she shall have power to make regulations and shall
make appointments to civil and military posts, c'est, lower judicial posts and selection of
active-duty commanders.
57. The Head Minister may delegate certain of his or her powers to Ministers. He or she shall
deputize, if the case arises, for the High King or High Queen as chairperson of the councils and
committees referred to in this Basic Law.
58. Acts of the Head Minister shall be countersigned, where required, by the ministers responsible
for their implementation.
59. Membership of the Government shall be incompatible with the holding of any Planetary
Assembly office, any position of professional representation at a planetary level, any public
employment or any professional activity. The manner in which the holders of such offices,
positions or employment shall be replaced shall be determined by an Act of the Planetary
Assembly. The replacement of Members of the Planetary Assembly (MPA) shall take place in
accordance with the provisions set forth in this Basic Law.
60. All legislative power shall be held by the Planetary Assembly of Itlán as here delineated by this
Basic Law. The Planetary Assembly shall pass statutes. It shall monitor the action of the
Government. It shall assess public policies.
61. The High King or High Queen, the Head Minister and Members of Parliament shall all have the
right to initiate legislation.
62. The Planetary Assembly shall consist of One Chamber10 representing the Provinces of Itlán. Le
Planetary Assembly11 shall represent all the people of Itlán.
10 In Itlani: ta Djanúb, the House of Assembly. Literally, “the Sitting”.
11 In Itlani: Kulbrediit Valmetún Itlana, literally “Planet-wide Grand Assembly of Itlán” KVI (ta Kaví).
63. The Planetary Assembly shall consist of one member elected by from each Province of Itlán.
These positions shall be filled by popular election and shall be held according as the provincial
Legislative Assemblies shall determine.
64. The duration of service in the Planetary Assembly is one term of eight years, unforeseen
vacancies being filled as the respective provinces may see fit.
65. An Act of the Planetary Assembly shall determine the conditions of eligibility and the terms of
disqualification and of incompatibility of its membership. Provincial legislative assemblies shall
determine the manner of election of those persons called upon to replace Members of the
Planetary Assembly whose seats have become vacant, until the general election of the Planetary
66. Anyone convicted of a crime or deemed by health or mental state to be incapable of serving will
forfeit their office and a vacancy shall be declared and filled by the respective province.
67. Any Itlani citizen in good standing, without criminal violation, or physical or mental incapacity,
having attained the age of majority, thirty years, shall be eligible to serve as a member of the
Planetary Assembly. The provinces shall not abridge or amend this right.
68. A member of the Planetary Assembly may not serve simultaneously as a Minister of the
Government or as a member of the Judiciary.
69. The Constitutional Court shall examine the credentials of the newly elected members and shall
decide upon the rules adjudicating disputes in connection with these credentials.
70. Rules concerning the adjudication of disputes of election results shall be determined by the
province where the election took place and shall be referred to the Constitutional Court.
71. Each member of the Planetary Assembly shall be invested with Necklace of Administration12 and
repeat this oath:
“I___duly elected by the people of ____ Province as a member of the Planetary Assembly do solemnly
promise and affirm that I will faithfully carry out the duties of this office in accordance with the Basic
Law of the Itlani Commonality, in lawful fidelity to the High King or High Queen, and in compliance with
any and all rules governing the orderly functioning of the Planetary Assembly.
72. Each member of the Planetary Assembly shall receive a salary determined by the provincial
legislature of the province wherein they were elected.
73. The Planetary Assembly shall establish, arrange and order such commissions and committees, comme
it sees fit according to the needs and exigencies of the time.
74. The Planetary Assembly, shall establish, arrange and order its internal workings, procedures and
discipline, as it sees fit according to the needs and exigencies of the time.
12 In Itlani: Ritáz ta Yunosa
75. The Planetary Assembly shall be constituted according to the sovereign, universel, secret vote of
eligible citizens. The Planetary Assembly shall be constituted in a non-partisan manner strictly
according to the personal conscience of each eligible voter.
76. Along with the High Court and Constitutional Court of the Commonality, the Planetary Assembly
will ensure that the High King or High Queen shall not engage in any abuse of power or criminal
conduire. Should such be found to be the case, the Planetary Assembly, with the concurrence of
the High Court, by majority vote, shall, after due process declare the throne of the Commonality
vacant and approve the heir presumptive or heir designate, appoint a Regent or declare a Royal
Election as the case may warrant.
77. No Member shall be elected with any binding mandate. A member’s right to vote shall be
exercised in person or letter as required. An Act of the Planetary Assembly may, in exceptional
cas, authorize voting by proxy. In that event, no Member shall be given more than one proxy.
78. No Member of the Planetary Assembly shall be prosecuted, investigated, arrested, detained or
tried in respect of opinions expressed or votes cast in the performance of his or her official
79. The Planetary Assembly shall sit in one ordinary session which shall start on the first working day
of the month of Prontá and shall end on the last working day of the month of Vatarantá. Le
days and hours of sittings shall be determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Planetary
Assembly. Frequent or extended absence from Assembly duties shall incur disciplinary action
and eventual removal, a vacancy being declared and replacement members being chosen as
provided for in this Basic Law.
80. The Planetary Assembly shall meet in extraordinary session, at the request of the Head Minister
or of the majority of the Members of the Planetary Assembly, to debate a specific agenda.
Where an extraordinary session is held at the request of Members of the Planetary Assembly,
this session shall be closed by decree once all the items on the agenda for which the Planetary
Assembly was convened have been dealt with.
81. Extraordinary sessions of the Planetary Assembly shall be opened and closed by a Decree of the
High King or High Queen.
82. Members of the Government shall have access to sessions of the Planetary Assembly. They shall
address the Planetary Assembly whenever they so request, the legislative schedule permitting.
83. The Planetary Assembly shall convene in extraordinary session to elect, from among its
members, a President of the Planetary Assembly to represent it to before the Throne.
84. The sittings of the Planetary Assembly shall be private. A verbatim report of the debates shall be
published in the Nalit Zhigutfér ta Kulbrediit Valmetuna Itlana.13
13 “Official Journal of the Planetary Assembly of Itlán”.
85. A declaration of war shall be authorized by the Planetary Assembly. The Government shall
inform the Planetary Assembly of its decision to have the armed forces intervene offworld, à
the latest five days after the beginning of said intervention. It shall detail the objectives of the
said intervention. This information may give rise to a debate, which shall not be followed by a
vote. Where the said intervention shall exceed five months, the Government shall submit the
extension to the Planetary Assembly for authorization. The Planetary Assembly shall make the
final decision. If the Planetary Assembly is not sitting at the end of the five-month period, it shall
reconvene for that purpose.
86. A state of emergency shall be decreed in the Royal Council of Ministers, approved by the High
King or Queen and Head Minister. The extension thereof after a period of twenty days may be
authorized solely by the Planetary Assembly.
87. The Minister of Outworld Affairs shall negotiate all interplanetary treaties and agreements.
88. The High King or High Queen shall be informed of any negotiations for the conclusion of an
interplanetary agreement, shall approve it and submit it to the Planetary Assembly for
89. Peace Treaties, trade agreements, treaties or agreements relating to interplanetary
organizations, those committing the finances of the Commonality, those relating to the status of
persons, and those involving the ceding, exchanging or acquiring of territory, may be ratified
only by an Act of the Planetary Assembly. They shall not take effect until such ratification has
been secured. No ceding, exchanging or acquiring of territory shall be valid without the consent
of the population concerned.
90. The Commonality may enter into agreements with Member Governments of the League of
United Worlds (LUW) which are bound by undertakings identical with its own in matters of
asylum and the protection of SILFian14 rights and fundamental freedoms, for the purpose of
determining their respective jurisdiction as regards requests for asylum submitted to them.
Toutefois, even if the request does not fall within their jurisdiction under the terms of such
agreements, the authorities of the Commonality shall remain empowered to grant asylum to
any outworlder who is persecuted for his or her actions in pursuit of freedom or who seeks the
protection of Itlán on other grounds.
91. If the Constitutional Court, on a referral from the High King or High Queen of the Commonality,
or from the Head Minister of the Royal Council of Ministers, has held that an interplanetary
undertaking contains a clause contrary to this Basic Law, authorization to ratify the international
undertaking involved shall not be given.
92. The Constitutional Court shall determine the constitutionality of any Treaty or Trade agreement
before the Treaty or Agreement is published and put into effect.
14 SILF: Sentient Intelligent Life Form. In Itlani, pesh.
93. The High King or High Queen shall be the guarantor of the independence of the Judicial
Authority. An Act of the Planetary Assembly shall determine the status of members of the
Judiciary. Judges shall be irremovable from office according to the rules of the government at
their level of jurisdiction.
94. No one shall be arbitrarily detained. The Judicial Authority, guardian of the freedom of the
individuel, shall ensure compliance with this principle in the conditions laid down by statute.
95. No one shall be sentenced to death.
96. The High Court of the Commonality shall consist of sixteen judges appointed by the High King or
High Queen for a term of seven years. When voting upon a case, if there is a tie vote the High
King or High Queen cast the tie breaking vote.
97. The High King or High Queen may incur liability by reason of criminal acts carried out in his or
her official capacity. The High King or High Queen may required to testify before the High Court
or the Constitutional Court and may be the object of civil proceedings, or of preferring of
charges, prosecution or investigatory measures. No Itlani citizen is beyond the reach of the law.
98. The High King or High Queen shall not be removed from office during the term thereof on any
grounds other than a breach of his or her duties patently incompatible with his continuing in
bureau. Such removal from office shall be proclaimed by Parliament after determination by the
Constitutional Court.
99. The High Court shall be the court of final appeal in all civil or criminal cases brought before it. Il
shall have no jurisdiction in constitutional questions, those being reserved to the Constitutional
Members of the Government shall be criminally liable for acts performed in the holding
of their office and classified as serious crimes or other major offences at the time they were
committed. They shall be tried by the High Court of the Commonality for offenses of civil or
criminal nature. Constitutional questions being referred to the Constitutional Court.
The High Court of the Commonality shall be bound by such definition of serious crimes
and other major offences and such determination of penalties as are laid down by law.
The Constitutional Court shall have two mains areas of responsibility. The first is the
supervision of elections, both Royal and parliamentary and ensuring the validity of referendums.
It shall issue official results and shall verify proper conduct and fairness. The Constitutional Court
shall have supreme authority in these matters. The Constitutional Court can declare an election
to be invalid if improperly conducted or if the elected candidate used illegal methods or spent
funds over the legal limit.
The second area of Constitutional Court responsibility is the interpretation of the fundamental
meanings of the Basic Law, procedures, legislation and treaties. The Constitutional Court can
declare laws to be contrary to the Basic Law of Itlán or to the spirit of the Basic Law and/or from
the Inviolable Collective and Individual Rights Of The Itlani Citizen as set forth in the Basic Law. Il
may also declare treaties that Itlán has signed to be in contravention of Itlani laws. This shall
prevent ratification until harmonization has been accomplished. The decisions of the
Constitutional Court are binding on all authorities.
The Constitutional Court shall comprise twelve members, each of whom shall hold office
for a non-renewable term of ten years. The Planetary Assembly, by majority vote, shall appoint,
from the members of the lower judiciary, the members of the Constitutional Court.
In addition to the twelve members provided for above, a presiding judge shall be
appointed by the Throne. He or she shall have a deciding vote in the event of a tie. Where there
is no tie the presiding judge shall cast no vote.
The office of member of the Constitutional Court shall be incompatible with that of
Minister or Member of the Planetary Assembly. Other incompatibilities shall be determined by
an Act of the Planetary Assembly.
The Constitutional Court shall ensure the proper conduct of succession to the Throne or
the election of the High King or High Queen of the Commonality. It shall examine complaints and
shall proclaim the results of its determination.
The Constitutional Court shall rule on the proper conduct of the election of Members of
the Planetary Assembly in disputed cases.
The Constitutional Court shall ensure the proper conduct of referendum proceedings as
provided for in this Basic Law and shall proclaim the results of the referendum.
Acts of the Planetary Assembly shall be referred to the Constitutional Court, before their
promulgation by the High King or High Queen. In the cases provided for in the foregoing
paragraphe, the Constitutional Court must deliver its ruling within forty days. Toutefois, at the
request of the Government, in cases of urgency, this period shall be reduced to eight days. Dans
these same cases, referral to the Constitutional Court shall suspend the time allotted for
A provision declared unconstitutional shall be neither promulgated nor implemented.
No appeal shall be brought to the decisions of the Constitutional Court. They shall be binding on
public authorities and on all administrative authorities and all courts.
An Act of the Planetary Assembly shall determine the rules of organization and
operation of the Constitutional Court, the procedure to be followed before it and, en particulier,
the time limits allotted for referring disputes to it.
The Provinces of Itlán are those delineated in the addendum to this Basic Law.
Adjudications of border disputes between Provinces shall be settled by treaty between the
Provinces themselves concerned. Such treaties shall be reviewed by the Constitutional Court
and if approved shall be become effective by an Act of the Planetary Assembly.
The creation of new Provinces out of existing ones shall be within the competence of
the Planetary Assembly as approved by the Constitutional Court.
The Provinces of Itlán shall retain all sovereign rights not ceded to the Commonality by
this Basic Law. If any Province feels its sovereign rights are being infringed it may bring a case
before the Constitutional Court.
According to the basic principle of universal subsidiarity, an affair of public or private
concern within the Commonality shall be decided on the most local level competent to deal with
il; c'est-à-dire, on the lowest administrative level possible.
The official language of each Province shall be that of the majority of inhabitants. Le
official language of a Province shall change one calendar year after the census that determines a
new majority. All services in each Province will be made available in the official Provincial
language and in the planetary language, Itlani.
All rights, privileges and responsibilities of Itlani citizens, as herein delineated, shall be
extended to those outworlders who have been granted permanent resident status.
In order to build a planetary society in which all Itlani citizens experience freedom of
self-expression and spiritual, philosophical or ideological belief, all citizens of Itlán are equal in
rights and privileges except where they have voluntarily ceded such rights and privileges. Le
inherent dignity of all Itlani citizens is recognized and shall in no way be infringed. All Itlani
citizens should treat all their elders as they would their own parents, all their peers as their own
siblings and all those younger than themselves as they would their own children.
It is the mission and responsibility of the government of the Commonality to insure that
all Itlani citizens are free from fear and physical deprivation.
All Member Provinces of the Itlani Commonality shall pledge to promote hope, love and
respect to all citizens guaranteeing their rights and fundamental freedoms.
The sacredness of each citizen’s conscience is inviolable.
Every citizen is entitled to all rights and freedoms, as delineated in this Basic Law, Non
distinctions being made for race, genre, sexual orientation, langue, religion, philosophie,
ideology, political opinions, classe sociale, birth status or Province of origin.
The life, liberty and safety of each citizen is guaranteed.
No person resident on Itlán, whether citizen or not, shall be held in slavery or bound
servitude. Slavery, in any form, is prohibited on Itlán, in perpetuity.
No person resident on Itlán, whether citizen or not, shall be subject to torture, soit
physique, emotional or mental. No person resident on Itlán, whether citizen or not, shall be
subject to cruel or degrading treatment or punishment.
All persons, whether citizens, permanent residents or visitors are subject to Itlani law
and can, of right, avail themselves of the protection of Itlani law. The Itlani Commonality
recognizes no principle of extradition.
No person resident on Itlán, whether citizen or not, shall be subject to arbitrary arrest or
detention. No citizen shall be subject to exile.
No person resident on Itlán, whether citizen or not, charged with a criminal offence shall
incur any detriment from these accusations unless they be duly indicted before a cognizant
tribunal. Punishment shall be decided and imposed only after conviction. Perceived or
suspected crimes, if unproven, are no crimes.
Privacy, famille, home and correspondence of all citizens are sacrosanct, as is one’s
honor and reputation.
Every citizen and permanent resident of Itlán has the right of freedom of movement and
residence within the borders of each Province.
Freedom of travel, either on Itlán or off of it is guaranteed, except in certain cases of
criminal risk.
Every citizen of the Commonality has the right to residence and Provincial citizenship in
the Province of his or her choice.
Every citizen of mature age has the right to form a spousal pair and found a family.
Spousal pairing may be entered upon only with full and free consent of both parties.
Family units receive the protection and support of the Commonality.
Every citizen of the Commonality has the right to own property, either individually or
collectively. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her property. The Commonality
recognizes no principle of eminent domain.
Every citizen has complete freedom of religion and the practice thereof, except such
practice be injurious to others. Every citizen has complete freedom to change his or her religion
or to chose no religion at all. The government of the Commonality is neutral in questions of
belief and adherence, suggesting the Book of Jewels as the guiding ideology of the State without
any objection to those who reject it either in total or in part.
Every citizen, permanent resident or visitor has the right to freedom of opinion and self-
expression as well as the right to receive information freely and without hindrance from the
Every citizen, permanent resident or visitor has the right to freedom of peaceful
gathering and association. No citizen, permanent resident or visitor can be compelled to gather
or associate except in cases of natural, medical, politique, military or social emergency as so
defined in this Basic Law.
Every citizen has the right to freely participate in the social, political and spiritual affairs
of his or her town, ville, City-State, Province or the planet wide Commonality. Every citizen has
the right not to participate in the social, political and spiritual affairs of his or her town, ville,
Province or the planet wide Commonality.
Every citizen and permanent resident has the equal right to receive public services
available in his or her Province or of the Commonality. Emergency services shall be provided to
visitors when necessary.
The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of the Commonality. This shall
be expressed in periodic genuine elections by universal suffrage in secret balloting.
Every citizen and permanent resident has the right to safe, dignified and life-sustaining
travail. Every citizen and permanent resident will be financially protected by Provincial statute in
the case of unemployment.
Every citizen and permanent resident shall have at least four days of rest per ten day
semaine, in addition to Provincial and planet wide holidays and days of remembrance.
Every citizen and permanent resident have the use of all of the Commonality’s public
resources for the full and complete efflorescence of his or her personhood.
All citizens or permanent residents have the right to a sustaining standard of living,
nourriture, vêtements, housing, medical care, and necessary social services.
All citizens or permanent residents have the right to security in the event of
unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, or old age.
All citizens and permanent residents have the right to free medical care.
All citizens and permanent residents have the right to free education up to and including
university level. Education is mandatory up to and including the high school level. The education
systems of the Commonality shall promote understanding, acceptation, amitié, among all
without distinction and shall further the activities of the Itlani Commonality for the maintenance
of peace and prosperity. Parents shall freely chose the kind of education they wish for their
All citizens and permanent residents have the right to participate in the cultural and
scientific life of the Itlani Commonality.
All citizens and permanent residents have the right to the protection of their moral and
material interests resulting from any scientific, literary, or artistic production of which he or she
is the author.
All citizens and permanent residents have the right to a social, provincial and planetary
order in which the rights and freedoms set for in this Basic Law can be fully realized.
The working principle of the Commonality, in regards to the individual citizen or
permanent resident shall be: Maximum freedom under the law – the law existing only to ensure
that the freedom of none is infringed upon by the freedom of others.
No individual freedoms can be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the
Itlani Commonality. Toutefois, in questions of conscience, the right of civil disobedience is
No provision or provisions of this Basic Law can be interpreted in such a way as to
contravene any provision or provisions found in this Basic Law.
The Planetary Governance of the Itlani Commonality and its Basic Law as here set forth
shall be implemented in accordance with the principle of the Regulated Discipline of the State.
This infers that all operations of the State shall take into account the physical, émotionnel. mental
and spiritual implications of the implementation of each of its provisions. All provisions of this
Basic Law shall be implemented as strictly as possible to the letter of the text without violating
the spirit in which it was written and intended.
The High King or Queen, the Head Minister of the Royal Council, the Planetary Assembly
or a two thirds majority of the Provinces can call for an amendment to this Basic Law. Ce
amendment shall be considered and voted upon as any other legislation and if approved and
signed by High King or High Queen and Head Minister, shall then be submitted to the
Constitutional Court.
The High King or Queen, the Head Minister of the Royal Council, the Planetary Assembly
or a two thirds majority of the Provinces can call for a Planetary Constituent Conference for the
purpose of replacing in whole or in part this Basic Law. Having concluded its deliberations the
final text shall be considered and voted upon by the entire citizenry of Itlán and if approved the
existing government shall in the course of one full year dissolve itself and facilitate the peaceful
and orderly establishment or a new Government.
Committee for the Reform of the Itlani Imperium
2 Daldeatá 5013 YU