Platon: The Laws The Laws is Plato’s last, le plus long, et, peut-être, travail le plus détesté. Le livre est une conversation sur la philosophie politique entre trois hommes âgés: un Athénien sans nom, un Spartiate nommé Megillus, and a…
Catégorie de navigationWiki Philosophie
Théorie de la guerre juste
Just War Theory Just war theory deals with the justification of how and why wars are fought. The justification can be either theoretical or historical. The theoretical aspect is concerned with ethically justifying war and…
Logical Consequence
Logical Consequence Logical consequence is arguably the central concept of logic. The primary aim of logic is to tell us what follows logically from what. In order to simplify matters we take the logical consequence…
Natural Law
Natural Law The term “natural law” is ambiguous. It refers to a type of moral theory, as well as to a type of legal theory, but the core claims of the two kinds of theory…
Wuxing (Wu-hsing)
Wuxing (Wu-hsing) The Chinese term wuxing (wu-hsing, “five processes” or “five phases”) refers to a fivefold conceptual scheme that is found throughout traditional Chinese thought. These five phases are wood (dans), feu (huo), Terre (tu),…
Metaphor and Phenomenology
Metaphor and Phenomenology The term “contemporary phenomenology” refers to a wide area of 20th and 21st century philosophy in which the study of the structures of consciousness occupies center stage. Since the appearance of Kant’s…
François Bacon (1561-1626)
François Bacon (1561-1626) Monsieur Francis Bacon (plus tard Lord Verulam et le vicomte St. Albans) était un avocat anglais, homme d'État, essayiste, historien, réformateur intellectuel, philosophe, et champion de la science moderne. Early in his career he claimed…
Robert Boyle (1627—1691)
Robert Boyle (1627—1691) Robert Boyle was one of the most prolific figures in the scientific revolution and the leading scientist of his day. He was a proponent of the mechanical philosophy which sought to explain…
Miracles The term “miracle” is used very broadly in ordinary language. A quick review of news stories may turn up reports such as that of a “Christmas Miracle,” by which the Texas gulf coast came…
Modern Morality and Ancient Ethics
Modern Morality and Ancient Ethics It is commonly supposed that there is a vital difference between ancient ethics and modern morality. Par exemple, there appears to be a vital difference between virtue ethics and the…