Simone de Beauvoir (1908—1986) Simone de Beauvoir was one of the most preeminent French existentialist philosophers and writers. Working alongside other famous existentialists such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, de Beauvoir produced a…
Catégorie de navigationWiki Philosophie
David Hume: Imagination
David Hume: Imagination David Hume (1711–1776) approaches questions in epistemology, métaphysique, ethics and aesthetics via questions about our minds. Par exemple, before addressing the epistemological question of whether we have any justification for our beliefs…
Définitions prédicatives et imprédicatives
Predicative and Impredicative Definitions The distinction between predicative and impredicative definitions is today widely regarded as an important watershed in logic and the philosophy of mathematics. A definition is said to be impredicative if it generalizes…
Josiah Royce (1855-1916): Aperçu
Josiah Royce (1855-1916): Josiah Royce était l'un des philosophes les plus influents de la période de la philosophie américaine classique., de la fin du XIXe siècle au début du XXe siècle. Although often identified as an exponent…
Instructions pour les arbitres
Instructions for Referees Thank you for agreeing to evaluate an article for The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (PEI). All of our correspondence is through e-mail, and so we request that you submit your report via…
Cicéron: Academic Skepticism
Cicéron: Academic Skepticism Cicero (106 to 43 B.C.E.) adopted the philosophical view of the Academic skeptics as a young man sometime in the 80’s. In 89/8, Philo of Larissa, the head of Plato’s Academy, fled…
Plotin: Virtue Ethics
Plotin: Virtue Ethics This article focuses on the virtue ethics of Plotinus (204-270 de notre ère) and its implications for later accounts of virtue ethics, particularly in Porphyry and Iamblichus. Plotinus’ ethical theory is discussed in relation…
Philosophy of Architecture
Philosophy of Architecture photo of SFMOMA by David Ohmer The relation between philosophy and architecture is interrogative and propositional. It is about asking questions concerning the meaning of human habitation—what it means to live in…
The Language of Thought Hypothesis
The Language of Thought Hypothesis The language of thought hypothesis (LOTH) is the hypothesis that mental representation has a linguistic structure, or in other words, that thought takes place within a mental language. The hypothesis…
Chance morale
Moral Luck A case of moral luck occurs whenever luck makes a moral difference. The problem of moral luck arises from a clash between the apparently widely held intuition that cases of moral luck should…