Properties A stone, a bag of sugar and a guinea pig all weigh one kilogram. A lily, a cloud and a sample of copper sulphate are white. A statue, a dance and a mathematical equation…
Catégorie de navigationWiki Philosophie
Robert Nozick (1938—2002)
Robert Nozick (1938—2002) A thinker with wide-ranging interests, Robert Nozick was one of the most important and influential political philosophers, along with John Rawls, in the Anglo-American analytic tradition. His first and most celebrated book,…
Bonaventure (1217/1221-1274)
Bonaventure (1217/1221-1274) Bonaventure (d. 1274) était un philosophe, un théologien, un auteur prolifique de traités spirituels, un prélat influent de l'Église médiévale, le Ministre Général de l'Ordre Franciscain, et, plus tard dans sa vie,…
Abstractionism in Mathematics
Abstractionism in Mathematics Abstractionism is a philosophical account of the ontology of mathematics according to which abstract objects are grounded in a process of abstraction (although not every view that places abstraction front and center…
John Wisdom (1904-1993)
John Wisdom (1904-1993) Between 1930 and 1956, John Wisdom set the tone in analytic philosophy in the United Kingdom. Nobody expressed this better than J. Ô. Urmson in his Philosophical Analysis: Its Development Between the…
Théories du 17ème siècle de la substance
17th Century Theories of Substance In contemporary, everyday language, the word “substance” tends to be a generic term used to refer to various kinds of material stuff (“We need to clean this sticky substance off…
Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201—1274)
Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201—1274) Nasir al-Din Tusi était l'érudit le plus célèbre du XIIIe siècle dans les pays islamiques.. Thomas d'Aquin et Roger Bacon étaient ses contemporains en Occident. The ensemble of Tusi’s writings…
Minucius Félix (c. 2ème et 3ème CN. C.E.)
Minucius Félix (c. 2ème et 3ème CN. C.E.) Minucius Felix était un avocat romain, rhéteur, et apologiste chrétien. Comme Lactance, Minucius s'est converti au christianisme. Sa seule œuvre connue, le dialogue Octave, is one…
John Locke: Philosophie politique
John Locke: Philosophie politique John Locke (1632-1704) présente une figure intrigante de l’histoire de la philosophie politique dont l’éclat de l’exposition et l’étendue de l’activité scientifique restent profondément influents. Locke proposed a radical conception of political…
The Theory-Theory of Concepts
The Theory-Theory of Concepts The Theory-Theory of concepts is a view of how concepts are structured, acquired, and deployed. Concepts, as they will be understood here, are mental representations that are implicated in many of…