Panpsychisme Le panpsychisme est l'idée selon laquelle toutes choses ont un esprit ou une qualité semblable à celle d'un esprit.. Le mot lui-même a été inventé par le philosophe italien Francesco Patrizi au XVIe siècle., and derives from the two…
Catégorie de navigationWiki Philosophie
Benoît de Spinoza: Philosophie morale
Benoît de Spinoza: Philosophie morale Comme beaucoup de philosophes européens du début de la période moderne, Benoît de Spinoza (1632-1677) developed a moral philosophy that fused the insights of ancient theories of virtue with a modern conception…
Peter Abelard (1079—1142)
Peter Abelard (1079—1142) Peter Abelard (1079-1142) was the preeminent philosopher of the twelfth century and perhaps the greatest logician of the middle ages. During his life he was equally famous as a poet and a…
Armed Humanitarian Intervention
Armed Humanitarian Intervention Humanitarian intervention is a use of military force to address extraordinary suffering of people, such as genocide or similar, large-scale violation of basic of human rights, where people’s suffering results from their…
Théisme sceptique
Théisme sceptique Le théisme sceptique est l’opinion selon laquelle Dieu existe mais que nous devrions être sceptiques quant à notre capacité à discerner les raisons pour lesquelles Dieu agit ou s’abstient d’agir dans un cas particulier.. En particulier,…
Supervenience and Mind
Supervenience and Mind This article is an informal introduction to the concept of supervenience and the role it plays in the philosophy of mind. It surveys some of the many ways the concept has been…
Political Obligation
Political Obligation Why should I obey the law? Apart from the obvious prudential and self-interested reasons (to avoid punishment, loss of reputation, et ainsi de suite), is there a moral obligation to do what the law…
Tibetan Philosophy
Tibetan Philosophy The term “Tibet” refers to a geographic area around the Himalayan mountains and the culture which originated there. Tibetan thought is a living tradition of rigorous argumentation, psychological insights, and philosophically relevant…
Platon: Phédon
Platon: Phédon Le Phédon est l'un des dialogues les plus lus écrits par l'ancien philosophe grec Platon.. Il prétend raconter les événements et les conversations qui ont eu lieu le jour où le professeur de Platon, Socrate…
Literary Theory
Literary Theory “Literary theory” is the body of ideas and methods we use in the practical reading of literature. By literary theory we refer not to the meaning of a work of literature but to…