Differential Ontology Differential ontology approaches the nature of identity by explicitly formulating a concept of difference as foundational and constitutive, rather than thinking of difference as merely an observable relation between entities, the identities of…
Catégorie de navigationWiki Philosophie
Substance The term “substance” has two main uses in philosophy. Both originate in what is arguably the most influential work of philosophy ever written, Aristotle’s Categories. In its first sense, “substance” refers to those things…
Top 10 and Top 100 Desired Articles
Top 10 and Top 100 Desired Articles Below are two lists, one of the top 10 and the other of the top 100 articles that we would like to publish. For more suggestions of articles…
Émile Durkheim (1858—1917)
Émile Durkheim (1858—1917) Émile Durkheim was a French sociologist who rose to prominence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Along with Karl Marx and Max Weber, he is credited as being one of…
James Beattie (1735-1803)
James Beattie (1735-1803) James Beattie était un philosophe et poète écossais qui a passé toute sa carrière universitaire en tant que professeur de philosophie morale et de logique au Marischal College d'Aberdeen.. Son œuvre philosophique la plus connue, An…
Grégoire de Nysse (c. 335—c. 395 C.E.)
Grégoire de Nysse (c. 335—c. 395 C.E.) Gregory of Nyssa spent his life in Cappadocia, a region in central Asia Minor. He was the most philosophically adept of the three so-called Cappadocians, who included brother…
Wang Chong (Wang Ch’ung) (25—100 C.E.)
Wang Chong (Wang Ch’ung) (25—100 C.E.) Wang Chong (Wang Ch’ung) was an early Chinese philosopher who wrote during the Eastern Han dynasty. He is often interpreted as offering a materialist and skeptical philosophical system. Wang’s…
Les Sophistes (Le grec ancien)
Les Sophistes (Le grec ancien) Les sophistes étaient des enseignants professionnels et des intellectuels itinérants qui fréquentaient Athènes et d'autres villes grecques dans la seconde moitié du Ve siècle avant notre ère.. En échange d'une somme, the sophists…
Charles Hartshorne: Arguments théistes et antithéistes
Charles Hartshorne: Arguments théistes et antithéistes Charles Hartshorne est bien connu dans les cercles philosophiques pour sa réhabilitation de l’argument ontologique d’Anselme.. En effet, il a peut-être écrit plus sur ce sujet que n'importe quel autre philosophe. Il…
Mathématiques incohérentes
Inconsistent Mathematics Inconsistent mathematics is the study of commonplace mathematical objects, comme des ensembles, Nombres, et fonctions, où certaines contradictions sont permises. Tools from formal logic are used to make sure any contradictions are contained and…