David Hume: Causalité David Hume (1711-1776) est l'un des empiristes britanniques de la période moderne, avec John Locke et George Berkeley. Bien que les trois préconisent des normes empiriques similaires en matière de connaissances, c'est,…
Catégorie de navigationWiki Philosophie
Coherentism in Epistemology
Coherentism in Epistemology Coherentism is a theory of epistemic justification. It implies that for a belief to be justified it must belong to a coherent system of beliefs. For a system of beliefs to be…
Lao Sze-kwang (Lao Siguang) (1927—2012)
Lao Sze-kwang (Lao Siguang) (1927—2012) photo courtesy of The Chinese University of Hong Kong The works of Lao Sze-kwang (Lao Siguang) cover a wide range of philosophies, including Confucianism, bouddhisme, taoïsme, Kantianism, Hegelianism, et, most…
Gorgias (483—375 B.C.E.)
Gorgias (483—375 B.C.E.) Gorgias was a Sicilian philosopher, orator, and rhetorician. He is considered by many scholars to be one of the founders of sophism, a movement traditionally associated with philosophy, that emphasizes the practical…
Ignacio Ellacuría (1930—1989)
Ignacio Ellacuría (1930—1989) Ignacio Ellacuría, a naturalized citizen of El Salvador, was born in Spain in 1930. He joined the Jesuits in 1947 and was quickly sent to El Salvador, where he lived and worked…
Philosophie de l'histoire
Philosophy of History History is the study of the past in all its forms. Philosophy of history examines the theoretical foundations of the practice, application, and social consequences of history and historiography. It is similar…
The Infinite
The Infinite Working with the infinite is tricky business. Zeno’s paradoxes first alerted Western philosophers to this in 450 B.C.E. when he argued that a fast runner such as Achilles has an infinite number of…
Antisthenes (c. 446—366 B.C.E.)
Antisthenes (c. 446—366 B.C.E.) Known in antiquity as an accomplished orator, a companion of Socrates, and a philosopher, Antisthenes presently gains renown from his status as either a founder or a forerunner of Cynicism. Il…
Philosophie américaine
Philosophie américaine Le terme « philosophie américaine »,» peut-être de façon surprenante, a été quelque peu vague. Bien qu’il ait eu tendance à inclure principalement les travaux philosophiques réalisés par des Américains dans les limites géographiques des États-Unis, this has not…
Anselme: Ontological Argument for God’s Existence
Anselme: Ontological Argument for God’s Existence One of the most fascinating arguments for the existence of an all-perfect God is the ontological argument. While there are several different versions of the argument, all purport to…