Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) A notable Enlightenment polymath, Joseph Priestley published almost two hundred works on natural philosophy, théologie, métaphysique, political philosophy, politique, éducation, history and linguistics. Remembered today primarily as a scientist who isolated oxygen,…
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Simone Weil (1909—1943)
Simone Weil (1909—1943) The French philosopher Simone Weil is a confronting and disconcerting figure in modern philosophy. This is not simply because she was so many things at once—ascetic and mystic, teacher and factory worker,…
Legal Pragmatism
Legal Pragmatism Legal pragmatism is a theory critical of more traditional pictures of law and, plus précisement, judicial decision-making. The classical view of law offers a case-based theory of law that emphasizes the universal and…
Emmanuel Kant: Transcendental Idealism
Emmanuel Kant: Transcendental Idealism Transcendental idealism is one of the most important sets of claims defended by Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), in the Critique of Pure Reason. According to this famous doctrine, we must distinguish between appearances…
Concepts Les concepts sont d'une importance centrale pour une théorie globale de la cognition et de l'esprit.. Nos pensées, surtout ceux qui expriment ou impliquent des propositions, are analyzed and distinguished from one another by appeal to various…
Bioethics Bioethics is a rather young academic inter-disciplinary field that has emerged rapidly as a particular moral enterprise against the background of the revival of applied ethics in the second half of the twentieth century….
Positivisme juridique
Positivisme juridique Le positivisme juridique est une philosophie du droit qui met l'accent sur la nature conventionnelle du droit, à savoir qu'il est socialement construit.. Selon le positivisme juridique, le droit est synonyme de normes positives, c'est, norms made by…
Platon: The Academy
Platon: The Academy Plato’s enormous impact on later philosophy, éducation, and culture can be traced to three interrelated aspects of his philosophical life: his written philosophical dialogues, the teaching and writings of his student Aristotle,…
L'éthique et l'épistémologie de la confiance
L'éthique et l'épistémologie de la confiance La confiance est un sujet d'intérêt philosophique de longue date car elle est indispensable au succès de presque tous les types d'activités humaines coordonnées., from politics and business to sport…
Benoît de Spinoza: Philosophie politique
Benoît de Spinoza: Political Philosophy The body of Benedict de Spinoza’s writings on political philosophy in the 17th century should be seen as a paradigmatic species of European Enlightenment Philosophy. Spinoza rejected the teleological account…