Functionalism Functionalism is a theory about the nature of mental states. According to functionalism, mental states are identified by what they do rather than by what they are made of. This can be understood by…
Catégorie de navigationWiki Philosophie
Philosophie du langage
Philosophy of Language Those who use the term “philosophy of language” typically use it to refer to work within the field of Anglo-American analytical philosophy and its roots in German and Austrian philosophy of the…
Events Events are particular happenings, occurrences or changes, such as Rob’s drinking the strong espresso at noon, the 1864 re-election of Abraham Lincoln in the US, et ainsi de suite. At least at first blush, événements…
Universals Universals are a class of mind-independent entities, généralement en contraste avec les individus (ou ce qu'on appelle des « détails »), postulé pour fonder et expliquer les relations d’identité qualitative et de ressemblance entre les individus. Individuals are said to be similar in…
Michel Foucault: Féminisme
Michel Foucault: Féminisme Le poststructuralisme et le féminisme contemporain sont devenus deux des mouvements politiques et culturels les plus influents de la fin du XXe siècle.. The recent alliance between them has been marked by an especially…
Bertrand Russel: Logique
Bertrand Russel: Logic For Russell, Aristotelian syllogistic inference does not do justice to the subject of logic. This is surely not surprising. It may well be something of a surprise, cependant, to learn that in…
Cognitive Penetrability of Perception and Epistemic Justification
Cognitive Penetrability of Perception and Epistemic Justification Perceptual experience is one of our fundamental sources of epistemic justification—roughly, justification for believing that a proposition is true. The ability of perceptual experience to justify beliefs can…
Connaissance de la langue
Connaissance de la langue Les gens sont des utilisateurs de la langue: ils lisent, écrire, parler, et écoute; et ils font toutes ces choses dans des langues naturelles comme l'anglais, russe, et l'arabe. Many philosophers and linguists have been…
René Descartes (1596—1650)
René Descartes (1596—1650) René Descartes is often credited with being the “Father of Modern Philosophy.” This title is justified due both to his break with the traditional Scholastic-Aristotelian philosophy prevalent at his time and to…
Émile Meyerson (1859-1933)
Émile Meyerson (1859-1933) Émile Meyerson, un chimiste et philosophe des sciences, a proposé que les explications de la science soient régies par deux principes fondamentaux de la raison, à savoir, le principe de licéité et le principe de causalité….