Pseudo-Denys l'Aréopagite (fl. 500 de notre ère) Denys est l'auteur de trois longs traités (Les noms divins, La hiérarchie céleste, et la hiérarchie ecclésiastique) un court traité (La théologie mystique) and ten letters expounding various…
Catégorie de navigationWiki Philosophie
Aristote: Poetics
Aristote: Poetics The Poetics of Aristotle (384-322 avant notre ère) is a much-disdained book. So unpoetic a soul as Aristotle’s has no business speaking about such a topic, much less telling poets how to go about their…
Philosophie de la médecine
Philosophie de la médecine Alors que la philosophie et la médecine, à commencer par les anciens Grecs, jouit d’une longue histoire d’interactions mutuellement bénéfiques, la professionnalisation de la « philosophie de la médecine » est un événement du XIXe siècle. One of the first…
Pluralist Theories of Truth
Pluralist Theories of Truth Truth pluralism (or ‘alethic’ pluralism) is a view about the nature of truth. D'une manière générale, the thought behind the view is that truth may require different treatments for different kinds of…
Causalité mentale
Causalité mentale Le terme « causalité mentale » s'applique aux transactions causales impliquant des événements ou des états mentaux., comme les croyances, désirs, sentiments, et perceptions. Typiquement, the term is used to refer to cases where a mental state…
God and Time
God and Time Any theistic view of the world includes some notion of how God is related to the structures of the universe, including space and time. The question of God’s relation to time has…
Bertrand Russel: Métaphysique
Bertrand Russel: Metaphysics Metaphysics is not a school or tradition but rather a sub-discipline within philosophy, as are ethics, logic and epistemology. Like many philosophical terms, “metaphysics” can be understood in a variety of ways,…
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906—1945)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906—1945) For Bonhoeffer, the foundation of ethical behaviour lay in how the reality of the world and the reality of God were reconciled in the reality of Christ. Both in his thinking and…
Charles Sanders Peirce: Logique
Charles Sanders Peirce: Logic Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) was an accomplished scientist, philosophe, and mathematician, who considered himself primarily a logician. His contributions to the development of modern logic at the turn of the 20th…
Georges Orwell (1903-1950)
Georges Orwell (1903-1950) Éric Arthur Blair, mieux connu sous son pseudonyme George Orwell, était un essayiste britannique, journaliste, et romancier. Orwell est surtout connu pour ses œuvres de fiction dystopiques, Animal Farm and Nineteen…