Pseudoscience and the Demarcation Problem The demarcation problem in philosophy of science refers to the question of how to meaningfully and reliably separate science from pseudoscience. Both the terms “science” and “pseudoscience” are notoriously difficult…
Catégorie de navigationWiki Philosophie
Luce Irigaray (1930—)
Luce Irigaray (1930—) Luce Irigaray is a prominent author in contemporary French feminism and Continental philosophy. She is an interdisciplinary thinker who works between philosophy, psychoanalysis, and linguistics. Originally a student of the famous analyst…
Zhuangzi (Tchouang-Tseu, 369-298 avant notre ère)
Zhuangzi (Tchouang-Tseu, 369-298 avant notre ère) Les Zhuangzi (also known in Wade-Giles romanization romanization as Chuang-tzu), named after “Master Zhuang” was, along with the Laozi, one of the earliest texts to contribute to the philosophy that has…
Mathématiques incohérentes
Inconsistent Mathematics Inconsistent mathematics is the study of commonplace mathematical objects, comme des ensembles, Nombres, et fonctions, où certaines contradictions sont permises. Tools from formal logic are used to make sure any contradictions are contained and…
Illusions modales
Modal Illusions We often talk about how things could have been, given different circumstances, or about how things might be in the future. When we speak this way, we presume that these situations are possible….
Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)
Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) Jacques Derrida était l'un des philosophes les plus connus du XXe siècle. Il fut aussi l'un des plus prolifiques. Distancing himself from the various philosophical movements and traditions that preceded him…
Novalis (Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg) (1772-1801)
Novalis (Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg) (1772-1801) « Novalis » était le pseudonyme de Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg, un des premiers philosophes romantiques allemands, poète, et romancier. Né dans une famille piétiste de mineurs, légèrement à court d'argent,…
Anselme de Cantorbéry (1033—1109)
Anselme de Cantorbéry (1033—1109) Saint Anselm was one of the most important Christian thinkers of the eleventh century. He is most famous in philosophy for having discovered and articulated the so-called “ontological argument;” and in…
Carl Gustav Hempel (1905—1997)
Carl Gustav Hempel (1905—1997) Carl Hempel, a German-born philosopher who immigrated to the United States, was one of the prominent philosophers of science in the twentieth century. His paradox of the ravens—as an illustration of…
Égalitarisme moral
L'égalitarisme moral est la position selon laquelle l'égalité est au cœur de la justice.. Il s’agit d’une tendance importante en philosophie sociale et politique et elle est également devenue pertinente en philosophie morale. (égalitarisme moral) since the late…