The Problem of Induction This article discusses the problem of induction, including its conceptual and historical perspectives from Hume to Reichenbach. Given the prominence of induction in everyday life as well as in science, Wir…
Browsing CategoryWiki-Philosophie
Charles Sanders Peirce: Pragmatism
Charles Sanders Peirce: Pragmatism Pragmatism is a principle of inquiry and an account of meaning first proposed by C. S. Peirce in the 1870s. The crux of Peirce’s pragmatism is that for any statement to…
Anaximander (c. 610—546 B.C.E.)
Anaximander (c. 610—546 B.C.E.) Anaximander was the author of the first surviving lines of Western philosophy. He speculated and argued about “the Boundless” as the origin of all that is. He also worked on the…
Haskell Brooks Curry (1900-1982)
Haskell Brooks Curry (1900-1982) Haskell Brooks Curry war ein mathematischer Logiker, der eine ausgeprägte Philosophie der Mathematik entwickelte. Die meisten seiner Arbeiten waren technischer Natur: Er war der Hauptentwickler der kombinatorischen Logik, which nowadays plays…
Immanuel Kant: Ästhetik
Immanuel Kant: Aesthetics Immanuel Kant is an 18th century German philosopher whose work initated dramatic changes in the fields of epistemology, Metaphysik, Ethik, Ästhetik, and teleology. Like many Enlightenment thinkers, he holds our mental faculty…
Metaethics Metaethics is a branch of analytic philosophy that explores the status, foundations, and scope of moral values, Eigenschaften, and words. Whereas the fields of applied ethics and normative theory focus on what is moral,…
Rechte und Verpflichtungen der Eltern
Rechte und Verpflichtungen der Eltern historisch, Philosophen hatten relativ wenig über die Familie zu sagen. Das ist etwas überraschend, Angesicht….
Cynosarges A gymnasium near Athens and the site where Cynic philosophers taught. Speicherort des Inhaltsverzeichnisses, Strukturen, and Layout of Cynosarges Bridge Heracleion Other Sanctuaries Gymnasium Palaistra Peripatos Groves History of the Use of Cynosarges References…
Justus Lipsius (1547–1606)
Justus Lipsius (1547–1606) Justus Lipsius, ein belgischer klassischer Philologe und Humanist, schrieb eine Reihe von Werken, die den antiken Stoizismus in einer mit dem Christentum vereinbaren Form wiederbeleben sollten. The most famous of these…
Aquin: Metaphysik
Aquin: Metaphysics Metaphysics is taken by Thomas Aquinas to be the study of being qua being, das ist, a study of the most fundamental aspects of being that constitute a being and without which it…