Existence Since Thales fell into the well while gazing at the stars, philosophers have invested considerable effort in trying to understand what, how and why things exist. Even though much ink has been spilled about…
Browsing CategoryWiki Filosofía
Stoic Philosophy of Mind
Stoic Philosophy of Mind Stoicism was one of the most important and enduring philosophies to emerge from the Greek and Roman world. The Stoics are well known for their contributions to moral philosophy, and more…
The Aesthetics of Popular Music
The Aesthetics of Popular Music Popular music is widely assumed to be different in kind from the serious music or art music that, until very recently, monopolized attention in philosophical discussions of music. In recent…
Benedict de Spinoza: Epistemology
Benedict de Spinoza: Epistemology The theory of knowledge, or epistemology, offered by the 17th century Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza may yet prove to be the most daring in the history of philosophy. Not only…