Hippocrates (c. 450—c. 380 B.C.E.) Hippocrates of Cos was said to have lived sometime between 450 BCE to 380 BCE. He was a physician, and the writings of the Corpus Hippocraticum provide a wealth of…
Categoria di navigazioneFilosofia Wiki
Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (1126—1198)
Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (1126—1198) Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rushd, better known in the Latin West as Averroes, lived during a unique period in Western intellectual history, in which interest in philosophy and theology…
Square of Opposition
Square of Opposition The square of opposition is a chart that was introduced within classical (categorical) logic to represent the logical relationships holding between certain propositions in virtue of their form. The square, traditionally conceived,…
Gabriele Marcel (1889—1973)
Gabriele Marcel (1889—1973) The philosophical approach known as existentialism is commonly recognized for its view that life’s experiences and interactions are meaningless. Many existentialist thinkers are led to conclude that life is only something to…
Scetticismo rinascimentale
Renaissance Skepticism The term “Renaissance skepticism” refers to a diverse range of approaches to the problem of knowledge that were inspired by the revitalization of Ancient Greek Skepticism in fifteenth through sixteenth century Europe. Much…
Contingenti futuri
Future Contingents The riddle of the future bewilders human beings. Da un lato, siamo propensi a pensare che gli eventi futuri siano reali in un certo senso, because we ask questions and make assertions about…
Fede: Prospettive contemporanee
Fede: Prospettive contemporanee La fede è un impegno fiducioso verso qualcuno o qualcosa. La fede ci aiuta a raggiungere i nostri obiettivi, mantiene le nostre relazioni sicure, e ci consente di mantenere i nostri impegni nel tempo. Faith is thus a…
Logical Problem of Evil
Logical Problem of Evil The existence of evil and suffering in our world seems to pose a serious challenge to belief in the existence of a perfect God. If God were all-knowing, it seems that…
Platone (427—347 B.C.E.)
Platone (427—347 B.C.E.) Plato is one of the world’s best known and most widely read and studied philosophers. He was the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle, and he wrote in the middle…
Animism Animism is a religious and ontological perspective common to many indigenous cultures across the globe. According to an oft-quoted definition from the Victorian anthropologist E. B. Tylor, animists believe in the “animation of all…