Classification One of the main topics of scientific research is classification. Classification is the operation of distributing objects into classes or groups—which are, generalmente, less numerous than them. It has a long history that…
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Social Contract Theory
Social Contract Theory Social contract theory, nearly as old as philosophy itself, is the view that persons’ moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in…
Louise-Françoise de la Baume Le Blanc, marquise de La Vallière (1644—1710)
Louise-Françoise de la Baume Le Blanc, marquise de La Vallière (1644—1710) A mistress of Louis XIV, who became a Carmelite nun, Mademoiselle de la Vallière has long fascinated historians and novelists by her picaresque life. But only…
René Girard (1923—2015)
René Girard (1923—2015) René Girard’s thought defies classification. He has written from the perspective of a wide variety of disciplines: Literary Criticism, Psicologia, Anthropology, Sociology, Storia, Biblical Hermeneutics and Theology. Although he rarely calls himself…
Evidence The concept of evidence is crucial to epistemology and the philosophy of science. Nell'epistemologia, evidence is often taken to be relevant to justified belief, where the latter, a sua volta, is typically thought to…
Jules Lequyer (Lequier) (1814—1862)
Jules Lequyer (Lequier) (1814—1862) Like Kierkegaard, Jules Lequyer (Luh-key-eh) resisted, with every philosophical and literary tool at his disposal, the monistic philosophies that attempt to weave human choice into the seamless cloth of the absolute. Although…
Philosophy of Film: Continental Perspectives
Philosophy of Film: Continental Perspectives This article introduces the most important perspectives on film (movies) from the continental philosophical perspective. “Continental” is not used as a geographical term, but as an abstract concept referring to…
Giorgio Santayana (1863-1952)
Giorgio Santayana (1863-1952) George Santayana è stato un influente pensatore americano del XX secolo la cui filosofia collegava una ricca diversità di prospettive storiche, culminando in una forma di materialismo unica e senza rivali, one recommending a bold reconciliation…
Invio di un articolo per la pubblicazione L'Enciclopedia Internet della Filosofia incoraggia i professori di filosofia con dottorato di ricerca a inviare un'e-mail ai redattori generali o a un redattore di area specifico con un'offerta per inviare un articolo. Articles should…
Ancient Greek Skepticism
Ancient Greek Skepticism Although all skeptics in some way cast doubt on our ability to gain knowledge of the world, the term “skeptic” actually covers a wide range of attitudes and positions. There are skeptical…