Political Revolution Revolutions are commonly understood as instances of fundamental socio-political transformation. Since “the age of revolutions” in the late 18th century, political philosophers and theorists have developed approaches aimed at defining what forms of…
Categoria di navigazioneFilosofia Wiki
Berlin Circle
Berlin Circle The Berlin Circle was a group of philosophers and scientists who gathered round Hans Reichenbach in late 1920s. Among its other members, were K. Grelling, C. G. Hempel, D. Hilbert, R. von Mises….
The Experience Machine
The Experience Machine The experience machine is a thought experiment first devised by Robert Nozick in the 1970s. In the last decades of the 20th century, an argument based on this thought experiment has been…
Blaise Pasquale (1623–1662)
Blaise Pasquale (1623–1662) Blaise Pascal was a French philosopher, mathematician, scienziato, inventor, and theologian. In mathematics, he was an early pioneer in the fields of game theory and probability theory. In philosophy he was an…
African Philosophical Perspectives on the Meaning of Life
African Philosophical Perspectives on the Meaning of Life The question of life’s meaning is a perennial one. It can be claimed that all other questions, whether philosophical, scientifico, or religious, are attempts to offer some…
Kit Fine (1946—)
Kit Fine (1946—) Kit Fine is an English philosopher who is among the most important philosophers of the turn of the millennium. He is perhaps most influential for reinvigorating a neo-Aristotelian turn within contemporary analytic…
Occasionalismo Nella mente della maggior parte dei filosofi con una vaga familiarità con la filosofia della prima modernità, l’occasionismo è tipicamente considerato una soluzione ridicola ad hoc o “in mancanza di qualcosa di meglio” al problema mente-corpo, Primo…
Gli Yoga Sutra di Patanjali
Gli Yoga Sutra di Patanjali La tradizione di Patañjali nella tradizione orale e testuale degli Yoga Sūtra è accettata dalle scuole vediche tradizionali come fonte autorevole sullo Yoga, and it retains this…
Jacques Lacan (1901-1981)
Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) Sarebbe giusto dire che ci sono pochi pensatori del ventesimo secolo che hanno avuto un'influenza così di vasta portata sulla successiva vita intellettuale nelle discipline umanistiche come Jacques Lacan. Lacan’s “return…
Natural Kinds
Natural Kinds A large part of our exploration of the world consists in categorizing or classifying the objects and processes we encounter, both in scientific and everyday contexts. There are various, perhaps innumerable, ways to…