The Philosophy of War Any philosophical examination of war will center on four general questions: What is war? What causes war? What is the relationship between human nature and war? Can war ever be morally…
Categoria di navigazioneFilosofia Wiki
Epistemology of Testimony
Epistemology of Testimony We get a great number of our beliefs from what others tell us. The epistemology of testimony concerns how we should evaluate these beliefs. Here are the main questions. When are the…
Divine Hiddenness Argument against God’s Existence
Divine Hiddenness Argument against God’s Existence The “Argument from Divine Hiddenness” or the “Hiddenness Argument” refers to a family of arguments for atheism. Broadly speaking, these arguments try to demonstrate that, if God existed, Lui…
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749—1832)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749—1832) Goethe defies most labels, and in the case of the label ‘philosopher’ he did so intentionally. “The scholastic philosophy,” in his opinion, “had, by the frequent darkness and apparent uselessness…
Gustav Shpet (1879—1937)
Gustav Shpet (1879—1937) Shpet, a professor of philosophy at the University of Moscow, introduced Husserlian transcendental phenomenology into Russia. Inoltre, he wrote extensively on aesthetics, hermeneutics, the history of Russian philosophy and the philosophy of…
Thomas Hobbes: Metodologia
Thomas Hobbes: Methodology Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) is one of England’s most influential political philosophers. According to his own estimation, he was probably the most important philosopher of his time, if not of history, since he…
Al-Shahrastānī (d. 1153 C.E.)
Al-Shahrastānī (d. 1153 C.E.) Al-Shahrastānī (d. A.H. 548 / C.E. 1153) was an influential historian of religions and a heresiographer. He was one of the pioneers in developing a scientific approach to the study of religions….
Egoism In philosophy, egoism is the theory that one’s self is, or should be, the motivation and the goal of one’s own action. Egoism has two variants, descriptive or normative. The descriptive (or positive) variant…
Leibniz: Logica
Leibniz: Logic The revolutionary ideas of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) on logic were developed by him between 1670 and 1690. The ideas can be divided into four areas: the Syllogism, the Universal Calculus, Propositional Logic, and Modal Logic….
Filosofia neoconfuciana
Neo-Confucian Philosophy “Neo-Confucianism” is the name commonly applied to the revival of the various strands of Confucian philosophy and political culture that began in the middle of the 9th century and reached new levels of…