Mathematical Structuralism The theme of mathematical structuralism is that what matters to a mathematical theory is not the internal nature of its objects, such as its numbers, funzioni, insiemi, or points, but how those objects…
Categoria di navigazioneFilosofia Wiki
Argomento La parola “argomento” può essere usata per designare una disputa o una rissa, oppure può essere utilizzato in modo più tecnico. The focus of this article is on understanding an argument as a collection of…
David Hume (1711-1776)
David Hume (1711-1776) “Hume è la nostra politica, Hume è il nostro mestiere, Hume è la nostra filosofia, Hume is our Religion.” This statement by nineteenth century philosopher James Hutchison Stirling reflects the unique position in intellectual thought…
Transmission and Transmission Failure in Epistemology
Transmission and Transmission Failure in Epistemology An argument transmits justification to its conclusion just in case, all'incirca, the conclusion is justified in virtue of the premises’ being justified. An argument fails to transmit justification just…
Russell-Myhill Paradox
Russell-Myhill Paradox The Russell-Myhill Antinomy, also known as the Principles of Mathematics Appendix B Paradox, is a contradiction that arises in the logical treatment of classes and “propositions”, where “propositions” are understood as mind-independent and…
Art and Emotion
Art and Emotion It is widely thought that the capacity of artworks to arouse emotions in audiences is a perfectly natural and unproblemmatic fact. It just seems obvious that we can feel sadness or pity…
David Lewis (1941–2001)
David Lewis (1941–2001) David Lewis was an American philosopher and one of the last generalists, in the sense that he was one of the last philosophers who contributed to the great majority of sub-fields of…
Autonomia L’autonomia è la capacità di un individuo di autodeterminarsi o autogovernarsi. Oltre a ciò, è un concetto molto contestato che emerge in diversi ambiti. Per esempio, esiste il concetto popolare di autonomia,…
Femminismo e razza negli Stati Uniti
Femminismo e razza negli Stati Uniti Questo articolo traccia la storia degli Stati Uniti. mainstream femminista pensato da una nozione essenziale di femminilità basata sul modello normativo delle esperienze delle donne bianche della classe media, to a…
Internaismo ed esternismo in epistemologia
Internalism and Externalism in Epistemology The internalism-externalism (I-E) debate lies near the center of contemporary discussion about epistemology. The basic idea of internalism is that justification is solely determined by factors that are internal to…