Liezi (Lieh-tzu, cn. 4th cn. a.E.V.) The Liezi (Lieh-tzu), or Master Lie may be considered to be the third of the Chinese philosophical texts in the line of thought represented by the Laozi and the…
Categoria di navigazioneFilosofia Wiki
La Sablière, Marguerite Hessein de (1640—1693)
La Sablière, Marguerite Hessein de (1640—1693) Madame de la Sablière made distinctive contributions to moral and religious philosophy in 17th century France. Her ethical theory implies that the natural moral virtues are disguised vices and…
Religion and Politics
Religion and Politics The relation between religion and politics continues to be an important theme in political philosophy, despite the emergent consensus (both among political theorists and in practical political contexts, such as the United…
Global Ethics: Capabilities Approach
Global Ethics: Capabilities Approach The capabilities approach is meant to identify a space in which we can make cross-cultural judgments about ways of life. The capabilities approach is radically different from, yet indebted to, traditional…
Zhou Dunyi (Chou Tun-i, 1017-1073)
Zhou Dunyi (Chou Tun-i, 1017-1073) Zhou Dunyi (sometimes romanized as Chou Tun-i and also known by his posthumous name, Zhou Lianxi) has long been highly esteemed by Chinese thinkers. He is considered one of the…
La filosofia delle scienze sociali
La filosofia delle scienze sociali La filosofia delle scienze sociali può essere descritta in generale come avente due obiettivi. Primo, cerca di produrre una ricostruzione razionale della scienza sociale. This entails describing the philosophical assumptions…
Dati sensoriali
Dati sensoriali Le esperienze di tutti i tipi hanno un carattere distintivo, che li distingue come intrinsecamente diversi dagli stati di coscienza come il pensiero. A plausible view is that the difference should be accounted for by…
Roderick M. Chisholm: Epistemologia
Roderick M. Chisholm: Epistemology Roderick M. Chisholm, a luminary of 20th century philosophy, is best known for his contributions in epistemology and metaphysics. His groundbreaking theory of knowledge opened the door to the late 20th…
Nyāya Nyāya (literally “rule or method of reasoning”) is a leading school of philosophy within the “Hindu umbrella”—those communities which saw themselves as the inheritors of the ancient Vedic civilization and allied cultural traditions. Epistemologically,…
Scuse e scuse è l'atto di dichiarare il rimpianto, rimorso, o dolore per aver insultato, fallito, ferito, danneggiato o torto un altro. Alcune scuse sono interpersonali (tra individui, questo è, tra amici, membri della famiglia, colleghi,…