Embodied Cognition Embodied Cognition is a growing research program in cognitive science that emphasizes the formative role the environment plays in the development of cognitive processes. The general theory contends that cognitive processes develop when…
Categoria di navigazioneFilosofia Wiki
Infinitism in Epistemology
Infinitism in Epistemology This article provides an overview of infinitism in epistemology. Infinitism is a family of views in epistemology about the structure of knowledge and epistemic justification. It contrasts naturally with coherentism and foundationalism….
Phenomenology In its central use, the term “phenomenology” names a movement in twentieth century philosophy. A second use of “phenomenology” common in contemporary philosophy names a property of some mental states, the property they have…
Agenti vincolati alle risorse
Agenti vincolati alle risorse Gli agenti vincolati alle risorse sono persone che hanno limitazioni nell'elaborazione delle informazioni. Tutte le persone e gli altri agenti cognitivi dotati di corpi sono tali da essere trasduttori sensoriali (come i loro occhi e le orecchie) have…
Teoria dell'identità
Identity Theory Identity theory is a family of views on the relationship between mind and body. Type Identity theories hold that at least some types (or kinds, or classes) of mental states are, as a…
Il giardino di Epicuro
Il Giardino di Epicuro Un giardino vicino alla città di Atene, posseduto e utilizzato dal filosofo Epicuro e dai suoi seguaci. Divenne un simbolo della filosofia epicurea. Table of Contents Location and Use References and…
Ermeneutica giuridica
Legal Hermeneutics The question of how best to determine the meaning of a given text (legal or otherwise) has always been the chief concern of the general field of inquiry known as hermeneutics. Legal hermeneutics…
Maurizio Blondel (1861-1949)
Maurizio Blondel (1861-1949) L’importanza di Blondel è stata in gran parte nei circoli filosofici teologici e cattolici in Francia, Germania, Spagna, Italia, e Québec. Tra molti altri autori importanti del XX secolo, Blondel è responsabile della “nuova teologia”, Quello…
Analytic Perspectives in the Philosophy of Music
Analytic Perspectives in the Philosophy of Music The philosophy of music attempts to answer questions concerning the nature and value of musical practices. Contemporary analytic philosophy has tackled these issues in its characteristically piecemeal approach,…
Moral Development
Moral Development This entry analyzes moral development as a perennial philosophical view complemented by modern empirical research programs. The two initial sections summarize what moral development is and why it is important for ethics and…