Lë Failikvas

Lë Failikvas

Autor: Marcas Brian MacStiofáin Ó Mhaitiú Ó Domhnaill

MS-Datum: 08-30-2015

FL-Datum: 09-01-2015

FL-Nummer: FL-000030-00

Zitat: MacStiofáin Ó Mhaitiú Ó Domhnaill, Marcas

Brian. 2015. “Lë Failikvas.” FL-000030-00,
Fiat Lingua, . Netz. 01
September 2015.

Urheberrechte ©: © 2015 Marcas Brian MacStiofáin Ó Mhaitiú Ó

Domhnaill. This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0
Unportierte Lizenz.


Fiat Lingua wird von der Language Creation Society produziert und gepflegt (LCS). Für mehr Informationen
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Lë Failikvas
Marcas Brian MacStiofáin Ó Mhaitiú Ó Domhnaill

Naikove keitis, salais kaita boşikvëka,
Tsinovokala şini Vaskar sala okais maikupok,
Olaition salais nykei Sarut, “ratoş, sopa?
Byraitsy! Boşiksy! Kotvasy! Sonlasy ratosalan vërok!
Tsynosala paisuvvar mëk nadukevas pok”
Veis tsika sime? Veis tsika symoi? Lyteikasy?”
Savolş savolş! Salais lë failikvas, Sarutvy”.


Poem Name: Until Our Last Breath

Kingdom of Géid, our mountain home,
The Wasgar attacked us from their cities,
King Sarut called out, “fight! But why?
For stream! For mountain! For family! For these we will fiercely fight!
We protect from great temple to little stone,
Will you die? Will you bleed? For the Lyteika?”
We will! we will! Until our last breath, O Sarut.

Written in the language BoşkLë Failikvas image

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