Entwerfen einer künstlichen Sprache: Arabic Morphology

Entwerfen einer künstlichen Sprache: Arabic Morphology

Autor: Rick Morneau

MS-Datum: 07-14-1994

FL-Datum: 01-01-2019

FL-Nummer: FL-000058-00

Zitat: Morneau, Rick. 1994. “Designing an Artificial

Sprache: Arabic Morphology.” FL-000058-
00, Fiat Lingua, . Netz.
01 January 2019.

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Designing an Artificial Language:

Arabic Morphology

by Rick Morneau

October 21, 1991
Revised July 14, 1994

Copyright © 1991, 1994 by Richard A. Morneau,
all rights reserved.

Here’s an idea for those among you looking for an unusual morphology for your artificial
language (henceforth AL). How about basing it on the tri-consonantal system of Arabic (and of
other semitic languages such as Hebrew and Syriac)?

Rather than start with a formal description of Arabic morphology, let me give you a general
definition and several simplified examples. Später, I’ll discuss how all this stuff can be applied to
an AL design.

Most Arabic morphemes are defined by three consonants, to which various affixes (prefixes,
suffixes and infixes) can be attached to create a word. Zum Beispiel, the tri-consonantktb
represents the concept of writing. Here are some of the ways in whichktbis turned into real
Arabic words:

katabato write pattern: CaCaCa
?aktabato cause to write pattern: ?aCCaCa
(where ‘?’ is a glottal


kaatibwriting pattern: CaaCiC
kitaaba book pattern: CiCaaC
kutubbooks pattern: CuCuC
kitaabahwriting profession pattern: CiCaaCah
kattaabauthor pattern: CaCCaaC
(note doubled middle

miktaabwriting instrument pattern: miCCaaC


Außerdem, verbs can be inflected to indicate person, number, gender and tense:

katabahe wrote pattern: CaCaCa
katabnawe wrote pattern: CaCaCna
katabuuthey wrote pattern: CaCaCuu

yaktubuhe writes pattern: yaCCuCu


naktubuwe write pattern: naCCuCu
yaktabuunathey write pattern: yaCCaCuuna

sayaktubuhe will write pattern: sayaCCuCu
sanaktubuwe will write pattern: sanaCCuCu
sayaktabuunathey will write pattern: sayaCCaCuuna

And there are many, many other derivations. Note, Jedoch, that all of them have “k”, “t”, und
“b” in common (in exactly that ordera different order will indicate a different basic concept).
So, the three consonants define the basic concept, while the affixes (d.h., patterns) define the
way that the concept is applied. In actual Arabic, most of the affixes are applied in a regular and
predictable way. Manche, Jedoch, are irregular, with basic nouns and their plural forms being the
biggest offenders.

The use of affixes inside a word, calledinfixation”, may seem strange at first, but even English
has constructions that are reminiscent of infixation, wie zum Beispiel “mouse/mice”, “goose/geese”, “take/
took” und “sing/sang/sung”. Note that these are not true examples of infixation, which does not
exist in English, since they are irregular and unproductive. I use them only as an illustration.
Aber, generalizing and regularizing the process could result in an extremely productive

Incidentally, if you’re interested in just how productive this system is, consider that Arabic has
approximately 31 consonants (the actual number depends on dialect and on who’s counting).
So, the number of possible tri-consonantal permutations is 31x31x31 = 29,791. Not all of them
are used, Natürlich, but when you multiply that large number by the number of possible patterns
(about four hundred), the result is an extremely rich and flexible lexicon, something for which
Arabic is justifiably famous.

Jetzt, if you want to create an AL with this type of morphology, all you’ve got to do is define a
concept for each tri-consonant and for each affixation pattern. Here are some examples that I
made up:

mbs => the concept of “Schönheit”.

CaCoC => an adjective describing a state.
So, “mabos” = “Schön”.

CuCiC => a noun describing a state.
So, “mubis” = “Schönheit”.

aCCaC => infinitive form of a transitive, causative verb.
So, “ambas” = “to make beautiful, to beautify”.
Auch, if you wish to inflect your verbs for

person, number, gender and tense, you could, für
example, use suffixes:


ambasufda” = “we beautify
ambasufti” = “we beautified
ambasufku” = “we will beautify
ambasizda” = “he beautifies”

und so weiter.

puCCaC => an infinitive describing a state.
So, “pumbas” = “to be beautiful”.
Wieder, suffixes can be used for inflections:
pumbasanda” = “she is beautiful
pumbasanti” = “she was beautiful
pumbasanku” = “she will be beautiful
pumbasulda” = “they are beautiful”

und so weiter.

diCCaC => an infinitive meaningto becomea state.
So, “dimbas” = “to become beautiful”.
Wieder, suffixes can be used for inflections:
dimbasosda” = “it is becoming beautiful
dimbasosti” = “it became beautiful
dimbasosku” = “it will become beautiful
dimbasufda” = “we are becoming beautiful”

und so weiter.

To create compound words, convert one of the components to a pattern and apply it to the tri-
consonant of the head word of the compound. As an example, let’s create a compound for the
word mansion from the roots for wealthy and house. Assume that the tri-consonant for wealth is
wlt”, and the tri-consonant for house ishns”. So, using the patterns I listed above, Die
adjectivewealthy would bewalot”, and the noun house would behunis”. Außerdem, we will
create rules that convert a tri-consonant to a pattern for exclusive use in forming compounds. ICH
won’t elaborate on what these rules could be, but will simply provide an example. Let’s say that
the adjective/noun compounding pattern ofwlt” Ist “waltaCoCCi”. So, we can create the word
waltahonsito mean mansion.

I leave the rest up to the reader’s fertile imagination.

Please keep in mind that I’m not trying to convince anyone to actually design an AL with this
kind of morphology. I’m simply providing an illustration of how things could be done differently.
Aber, if I should ever come across an AL designed by a native speaker of Arabic, I would not
be at all surprised if it had a morphology similar to what I’ve described here.

End of Essay


[Postscript: I’d like to thank Ken Beesley for correcting my English examples of infixation, und
for providing me with a more accurate value for the number of infixation patterns in Arabic.]

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