The Sheffer Stroke The Sheffer Stroke is one of the sixteen definable binary connectives of standard propositional logic. The stroke symbol is “|” as in The linguistic expression whose logical behavior is presumed…
Browsing CategoryWiki-Philosophie
Mozi (Mo-tzu, c. 400s—300s B.C.E.)
Mozi (Mo-tzu, c. 400s—300s B.C.E.) Mo Di (Mo Ti), better known as Mozi (Mo-tzu) or “Master Mo,” was a Chinese thinker active from the late 5th to the early 4th centuries B.C.E. He is best…
Mencius (c. 372—289 B.C.E.)
Mencius (c. 372—289 B.C.E.) Better known in China as “Master Meng” (chinesisch: Mengzi), Mencius was a fourth-century BCE Chinese thinker whose importance in the Confucian tradition is second only to that of Confucius himself. In…
Epistemic Conditions of Moral Responsibility
Epistemic Conditions of Moral Responsibility What conditions on a person’s knowledge must be satisfied in order for them to be morally responsible for something they have done? The first two decades of the twenty-first century…
John Duns Scotus (1266–1308)
John Duns Scotus (1266–1308) John Duns Scotus, along with Bonaventure, Aquin, and Ockham, is one of the four great philosophers of High Scholasticism. His work is encyclopedic in scope, yet so detailed and nuanced that…
Guidelines for Authors
Guidelines for Authors Authors should follow these guidelines before submitting their final draft. Here are some noteworthy stylistic points that are different from those in journal articles: Avoid all Latin abbreviations such as “etc.” Avoid…
Ordinary Language Philosophy
Ordinary Language Philosophy Ordinary Language philosophy, sometimes referred to as ‘Oxford’ philosophy, is a kind of ‘linguistic’ philosophy. Linguistic philosophy may be characterized as the view that a focus on language is key to both…
Care Ethics
Care Ethics The moral theory known as “ the ethics of care” implies that there is moral significance in the fundamental elements of relationships and dependencies in human life. Normatively, care ethics seeks to maintain…
F. H. Bradley: Logik
F. H. Bradley: Logic Although the logical system expounded by F. H. Bradley in The Principles of Logic (1883) is now almost forgotten, it had many virtues. To appreciate them, it is helpful to understand…
Das neue böse Dämonenproblem
Das Problem des neuen bösen Dämons Das Problem des neuen bösen Dämons tauchte erstmals in der Literatur als Problem für reliabilistische Theorien der epistemischen Rechtfertigung auf. The old evil demon problem is the skeptical problem that preoccupied…