Der Sinn des Lebens: Zeitgenössische analytische Perspektiven Je nachdem, wen man fragt, die Frage, „Was ist der Sinn des Lebens??” is either the most profound question of human existence or else nothing more than a…
Browsing CategoryWiki-Philosophie
John Locke (1632—1704)
John Locke (1632—1704) John Locke was among the most famous philosophers and political theorists of the 17th century. He is often regarded as the founder of a school of thought known as British Empiricism, und…
Aristoteles: Metaphysik
Aristoteles: Metaphysik Als Aristoteles die zentrale Frage der Gruppe von Schriften formulierte, die wir als seine Metaphysik kennen, Er sagte, es sei eine Frage, die sich immer wieder stellen werde. Er hatte recht. He also regarded…
Alexandre Kojève (1902–1968)
Alexandre Kojève (1902–1968) Alexandre Kojève war für die ernsthafte Einführung Hegels in die französische Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts verantwortlich, influencing many leading French intellectuals who attended his seminar on The Phenomenology of Spirit in Paris in…
Marie Le Jars de Gournay (1565—1645)
Marie Le Jars de Gournay (1565—1645) A close friend and editor of Montaigne, Marie Le Jars de Gournay is best known for her proto-feminist essays defending equality between the sexes. Her unusual lifestyle as a…
Health Care Ethics
Health Care Ethics Health care ethics is the field of applied ethics that is concerned with the vast array of moral decision-making situations that arise in the practice of medicine in addition to the procedures…
Humor Das philosophische Studium des Humors konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung einer zufriedenstellenden Definition von Humor, was bis vor kurzem als ungefähr gleichbedeutend mit Lachen angesehen wurde. The main task is to develop…
Medieval Theories of Aesthetics
Medieval Theories of Aesthetics The term ‘aesthetics’ did not become prominent until the eighteenth century in Germany; Jedoch, this fact does not prevent principles of aesthetics from being present in the Middles Ages. Developments in the…
Persistence in Time
Persistence in Time No person ever steps into the same river twice—or so goes the Heraclitean maxim. Obscure as it is, the maxim is often taken to express two ideas. The first is that everything…
Foreknowledge and Free Will
Foreknowledge and Free Will Suppose it were known, by someone else, what you are going to choose to do tomorrow. Wouldn’t that entail that tomorrow you must do what it was known in advance that…