Der Sinn des Lebens: Early Continental and Analytic Perspectives The question of the meaning of life is one that interests philosophers and non-philosophers alike. The question itself is notoriously ambiguous and possibly vague. In asking…
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Joseph Butler (1692—1752)
Joseph Butler (1692—1752) Bishop Joseph Butler is a well-known religious philosopher of the eighteenth century. He is still read and discussed among contemporary philosophers, especially for arguments against some major figures in the history of…
Internalismus und Externalismus in der Philosophie des Geistes und der Sprache
Internalismus und Externalismus in der Philosophie des Geistes und der Sprache Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Art und Weise, wie unsere Überzeugungen, unsere Absichten, und andere Inhalte unserer Einstellungen werden individualisiert, das ist, Was macht diese Inhalte zu dem, was sie sind?….
Yang Xiong (53 v. u. Z. – 18 n. Chr.)
Yang Xiong (53 v. u. Z. – 18 n. Chr.) Yang Xiong (Yang Hsiung) war ein produktiver, aber zurückgezogener Hofdichter, dessen Schriften und sein tragisches Leben den Zusammenbruch der ehemaligen Han-Dynastie umfassten (202 v. Chr.–9 n. Chr.) and the brief…
Plato: Die Republik
Plato: Die Republik Seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts, Die Republik war Platons berühmtester und meistgelesener Dialog. Wie in den meisten anderen platonischen Dialogen ist Sokrates die Hauptfigur. It is generally accepted that the…
Interventionism The theory of interventionism examines the nature and justifications of interfering with another polity (das ist, political organization) or with choices made by individuals. Interventionism is characterized by the use or threat of force…
Sen’s Capability Approach
Sen’s Capability Approach The Capability Approach is defined by its choice of focus upon the moral significance of individuals’ capability of achieving the kind of lives they have reason to value. This distinguishes it from…
Quantum Logic in Historical and Philosophical Perspective
Quantum Logic in Historical and Philosophical Perspective Quantum Logic (QL) was developed as an attempt to construct a propositional structure that would allow for describing the events of interest in Quantum Mechanics (QM). QL replaced…
Deductive and Inductive Arguments
Deductive and Inductive Arguments In philosophy, an argument consists of a set of statements called premises that serve as grounds for affirming another statement called the conclusion. Philosophers typically distinguish arguments in natural languages (such…
Anti-Natalism Anti-natalism is the extremely provocative view that it is either always or usually impermissible to procreate. Some find the view so offensive that they do not think it should be discussed. Others think their…