John Calvin (1509—1564) One can scarcely imagine a figure with a greater reputation for disapproval of philosophy than John Calvin. The French expatriate penned some of the most vitriolic diatribes against philosophy and its role…
Browsing CategoryWiki-Philosophie
Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin (1770—1843)
Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin (1770—1843) Although J. C. F. Hölderlin has, since the beginning of the twentieth century, enjoyed the reputation of being one of Germany’s greatest poets, his recognition as an important philosophical figure is…
Process Philosophy
Process Philosophy Process philosophy is a longstanding philosophical tradition that emphasizes becoming and changing over static being. Though present in many historical and cultural periods, the term “process philosophy” is primarily associated with the work…
Bertrand Russell: Ethik
Bertrand Russell: Ethics This article confines itself to Bertrand Russell’s conversion from ethical cognitivism (similar to G. E. Moore) to ethical non-cognitivism (similar to Ayer). Russell’s conversion is not only historically important, as it contributes…
Autism Autism, or the Autistic Spectrum Disorder, is a developmental psychological disorder that begins in the early stages of infancy and affects a child’s ability to develop social skills and engage in social activities. Three…
Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter Vielen Dank an: Bereichsredakteure Joseph Agassi (Philosophie der Wissenschaft) James R. Beebe (Erkenntnistheorie) David Boersema (Amerikanische Philosophie) Curtis Bowman (Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts) Douglas Burnham (Europäer des 19. Jahrhunderts) Jon Cogburn (Philosophie des Geistes)…
Truth Philosophers are interested in a constellation of issues involving the concept of truth. A preliminary issue, although somewhat subsidiary, is to decide what sorts of things can be true. Is truth a property of…
Philodemus of Gadara (c.110—c.30 B.C.E.)
Philodemus of Gadara (c.110—c.30 B.C.E.) Philodemus of Gadara was a poet and Epicurean philosopher who, after leaving Gadara, studied in Athens under Zeno of Sidon before moving to Italy. Once in Italy, he lived in…
Mathematical Nominalism
Mathematical Nominalism Mathematical nominalism can be described as the view that mathematical entities—entities such as numbers, Sätze, Funktionen, and groups—do not exist. Aber, stating the view requires some care. Though the opposing view (that mathematical…
Charles Hartshorne: Biography and Psychology of Sensation
Charles Hartshorne: Biography and Psychology of Sensation Charles Hartshorne is widely regarded as having been an important figure in twentieth century metaphysics and philosophy of religion. His contributions are wide-ranging. He championed the aspirations of…