Nichtkognitivismus in der Ethik Eine nichtkognitivistische Ethiktheorie impliziert, dass ethische Sätze weder wahr noch falsch sind, das ist, es mangelt ihnen an Wahrheitswerten. What this means will be investigated by giving a brief logical-linguistic analysis explaining…
Browsing CategoryWiki-Philosophie
Kollektive moralische Verantwortung
Collective Moral Responsibility Focusing on groups through the lens of collective moral responsibility has broadened the scope of moral philosophy. As a social practice, as well as an important theoretical issue, moral responsibility has most…
Ralph Cudworth (1617–1688)
Ralph Cudworth (1617–1688) Ralph Cudworth war ein englischer Philosoph und Theologe, Vertreter einer Bewegung des 17. Jahrhunderts, die als Cambridge Platonists bekannt ist. Dies waren die ersten englischen Philosophen, die hauptsächlich in ihrer Muttersprache publizierten,…
Thomas Reid: Philosophie des Geistes
Thomas Reid: Philosophy of Mind This article focuses on the philosophy of mind of Thomas Reid (1710-1796), as presented in An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense (1764) and Essays…
Time Time is what clocks measure, Einstein once said. Information about time tells the durations of events, and when they occur, and which events happen before which others, so time plays a very significant role…
Kripke’s Wittgenstein
Kripke’s Wittgenstein Saul Kripke, in his celebrated book Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language (1982), offers a novel reading of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s main remarks in his later works, especially in Philosophical Investigations (1953) und, An…
Propositional Attitudes
Propositional Attitudes Sentences such as “Galileo believes that the earth moves” and “Pia hopes that it will rain” are used to report what philosophers, psychologists, and other cognitive scientists call propositional attitudes—for example, the belief…
Rudolf Hermann Lotze (1817–1881)
Rudolf Hermann Lotze (1817–1881) Hermann Lotze was a key figure in the philosophy of the second half of the nineteenth century, influencing practically all the leading philosophical schools of the late nineteenth and the coming…
David Hume: Religion
David Hume: Religion David Hume (1711-1776) wurde von seinen Freunden „Heiliger David“ und „Der gute David“ genannt, but his adversaries knew him as “The Great Infidel.” His contributions to religion have had a lasting impact…
Einfachheit in der Wissenschaftstheorie
Simplicity in the Philosophy of Science The view that simplicity is a virtue in scientific theories and that, unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen, simpler theories should be preferred to more complex ones has been widely advocated…