Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (KI) would be the possession of intelligence, or the exercise of thought, by machines such as computers. Philosophically, the main AI question is “Can there be such?" oder, as Alan Turing…
Browsing CategoryWiki-Philosophie
George Edward Moore (1873—1958)
George Edward Moore (1873—1958) G. E. Moore was a highly influential British philosopher of the early twentieth century. His career was spent mainly at Cambridge University, where he taught alongside Bertrand Russell and, later, Ludwig…
Theorien der religiösen Vielfalt
Theorien der religiösen Vielfalt Unter religiöser Vielfalt versteht man die Tatsache, dass es erhebliche Unterschiede im religiösen Glauben und in der religiösen Praxis gibt. Es wurde schon immer von Menschen außerhalb der kleinsten und isoliertesten Gemeinschaften anerkannt. But since…
Analytic Philosophy
Analytic Philosophy The school of analytic philosophy has dominated academic philosophy in various regions, most notably Great Britain and the United States, since the early twentieth century. It originated around the turn of the twentieth…
Bernard Lonergan (1904—1984)
Bernard Lonergan (1904—1984) When we try to reconcile opposing moral opinions we usually appeal to shared ethical principles. Yet often enough the principles themselves are opposed. We may then try to reconcile opposing principles by…
Pierre Bayle (1647–1706)
Pierre Bayle (1647–1706) Pierre Bayle war ein französischer skeptischer Philosoph und Historiker des 17. Jahrhunderts. Er ist vor allem für sein enzyklopädisches Werk The Historical and Critical Dictionary bekannt (1697, 1. Auflage; 1702, 2. Auflage), a work which…
Das Lyzeum
Das Lyzeum Das Lyzeum war ein Gymnasium in der Nähe von Athen und der Ort einer von Aristoteles gegründeten philosophischen Schule. Speicherort des Inhaltsverzeichnisses, Strukturen, and Layout of the Lyceum Apodyterion Dromoi and Peripatoi Gymnasium Building…
George Berkeley (1685–1753)
George Berkeley (1685–1753) George Berkeley was one of the three most famous British Empiricists. (The other two are John Locke and David Hume.) Berkeley is best known for his early works on vision (An Essay towards a New…
Disjunctivism Disjunctivism, as a theory of visual experience, claims that the mental states involved in a “good case” experience of veridical perception and a “bad case” experience of hallucination differ. They differ even in those…
Theological Determinism
Theological Determinism Theological determinism is the view that God determines every event that occurs in the history of the world. While there is much debate about which prominent historical figures were theological determinists, St. Augustinus,…